Thursday, August 17, 2006

Food Poisoning.... boogers..... and Pilates

Since the last post I've lost 3lbs.

Because I've been working on excercizing regularly. Every other day I try to do some pilates here at home. I think I'm gaining more muscles than losing the fat. Not really doing any of the cardio. Not at all actually. Which is why I'm contemplating on joining a gym. But it's so expensive and if I don't have someone to motivate me or someone to workout with, I just simply won't go.

I've been going to Ariel Dance Studio to get my workout in when there's time. Last week was a Modern dance class with Rhonda, Amy, and Ashley. It felt really good to be moving again. The other night I went to a Pilates class. My abs are killing me!! I really want to keep going to both the classes and I'm sure it will help me with my weight.

Renegades weekend off
Last weekend we experienced what pleasure it is to have Chris home hanging out with us the whole weekend. Unfortunately, I was hit with food poisoning Saturday morning and it lasted almost the entire day! Bad chicken from the night before. Good thing the boys didn't have any of it. I forgot what it felt like to be 'violently ill'. I'd never wish that stomachache on anyone!

I can't wait until the Renegades season is over.... I just want my husband back home on the weekends again. I miss him... I miss his company.... I miss doing things as a family. His little girl needs him.

3 more weeks until the end of the dispare. I hope they do well in Rochester this year. I really wish that I could be there with them. Technically... I can go. Financially, not so much. Reese will start school next week and I'm pretty sure I can set something up with my mother in law to make sure that he gets to school every day.

Oh well. I wish the Renegades the best of luck...and my husband a good trip to the east coast.

And this post wouldn't be complete without a Random Conversation with Reese
I looked in my rear view mirror to see a strangely quiet little boy picking his nose digging for gold.
Me: Reese, don't pick your nose
Reese: Why not, I have to get the boogers out
Me: Then blow your nose with a tissue
Reese: I don't have any tissue
Me: Then wait til we get home
Reese: Too late, I ate the boogers!

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