Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy Hump Day

Does anyone say that anymore? Or am I just a couple of years behind on the lingo thing.

Yesterday I had another prenatal check up. I hate the waiting in the room part. Just because when I get there, I'm already pressed for time and it's a ways from where we live. Oh well.

The doc did get on my case for not having taken my Glucose test yet. I just haven't had time to do it unfortunately. I know I have to for good reasons so I will do it this weekend fo' sho'! I have to take another blood test for Anemia. Guess I should have been taking those monster vitamins.

He also said that I'm gaining too much weight too fast. The Glucose test will show whether or not I have Gestational Diabetes and if the baby will be a pork chop when she comes out.

Some nicknames we have for Bailey already - Bailey-Bean, Booba-girl, Beanster, Bailey-lalley, Pork-chop. Reese calls her Belly, Sissy, Baby girl. She's not going to know her name until she's like 7 years old. lol.


Unknown said...

Take your ass to the doctor and take the test !!!! Ok, somebody had to say it so there it is. Seriously though watch out for Toxemia while they're watching out for Gestational Diabetes. You've mentioned swelling, tingling, and gaining weight. Neither one is a joke and I have 6" scar to prove it so don't make me come down there and kick your butt girlie.

mother hen alert::off

Kanika Clavejo said...

OK OK Jesus lady, you're kicking my ass just by saying that. lol. I'm gaining weight, but I don't really know where it is other than in the belly because my clothes still fit the same. I do have some swelling and tingling. My husband kicks my ass every day about it. Just being a good man that he is. :-)