Tuesday, December 26, 2006

T'was the day after Christmas....

We made it over the Christmas weekend and it was a time to remember.

Let me explain....

Chris and I started out this weekend not nearly as chaotic as the past few years eventhough we both waited til the last minute to shop. We planned our shopping trips out pretty well considering we're out one car and towing 2 kids.

We split up our shopping list in thirds and he got the 'difficult' 1/3 since they are mostly his family members anyway. The 2/3 I shopped for in about 2 days... make that evenings. Stores stay open later during the holidays just for consumers like us to spend our hard earned money and commercialize Christmas even more.

Chris and I had a lengthy conversation about that on the way home from Manteca Saturday night. Whatever happened to the spirit of Christmas. Whatever happened to the religious side of it. Now it's about retail. Do most kids even know that it has something to do with Jesus? To be honest, I didn't even know that until the 9th grade. (moved to the US in the 7th grade)

Looking back to the time before my parents and I moved to the US from Thailand, we never celebrated Christmas. We're buddhists. We lived in a land where New Years were more important because it signifies years past and another year of prosperity and newness to come. Most Asian cultures make a big deal of New Years than any other holidays. i.e. Chinese New Year for example.
Anyway.... back to our family...

Reese decided he wanted to stay up for Santa to make sure that he brought him his Heelies he wanted. He didn't make it that far when he fell asleep.

We made sure it was the very last thing he opened. He put them on right away and headed outside. Too bad he doesn't quite know how to 'ride' them yet.
Other than those, he got plenty of toys and things to keep his mind occupied for the next 3 months or so. Thank goodness I asked for him to get a winter coat for school. I'm going to plaster his name all over it and chain it to his waist so he doesn't lose it at school.

Baby girl got a ton of clothes, toys, and an airplane. No, I'm not kidding, she got a ride-along airplane. Too bad she can't sit up or stand up yet. She'd really enjoy the thing. Maybe in a few months she'll realize that it's fun.

She also got a few other random toys and things to keep her occupied for a while. There's a doll that she got that's really sensitive to the touch. Every time she touches it, it speaks or sings. She squeezes it a lot, and it says 'hug me!' over and over. Chris finally said 'what do you think she's doing??' lol.

Bailey also got her 2 front teeth for Christmas. They cut through her gums on Christmas eve. Nevertheless... it was unbarable to be with her the last few days. Thank God for big brother who can make her laugh at the drop of a hat. I honestly don't remember Reese's teething experience to be this bad. It probably was, I just blocked it out of my mind.

Anyway.... I am sitting at work so I guess I should get some work done today.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

One tired mom - retired

I can't believe that I shopped til I dropped last night. Literally.

Chris stayed home with the kids so I can do my shopping marathon last night and maybe again tonight. It was insane. I got 80% of my list bought and now I have to wrap.

Reese got his heelies from Santa. Hopefully he likes them. Crossing my fingers.

Today I have to hit one more store to get gift baskets for friends who I don't know what to buy for. Gotta love random baskets of stuff. I love receiving those too.

I got home at around 11pm last night and Bailey was still awake. Thanks babe! At least she slept really good through the night.

What rejected color crayon are you?

You are

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Bailey is 6 months old today!!

Our little baby girl turned 6 months old today.

I can't believe it.

She's teething now too... which is a horrible experience for a little one to go through. Good thing is only about a weeks worth of ordeal for them. I can see her little teeth poking through. Thank God for Oragel and Tylenol.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I just realized that my life is dictated by lists...

List of things to do at home... vacuum (every other day now that the baby is crawling), dishes, laundry (never ending project it seems), clean the bathrooms - didn't I JUST clean the bathrooms? That's what I get for living with boys.

Shopping list (Christmas) - What day is it today? Geez.... I'm cutting it close!

Shopping list (grocery store) - No matter how complete my grocery list is... I'm bound to forget ONE thing or two.

The 8-5 t0 do list at work... this is what keeps me employed...

There's a notebook that I keep at work of my week to week 'stuff' there. Each week gets 2 pages, I write down things I didn't finish from last week that still need done with check boxes on the left of it. I write phone conversations and messages on the lines following the to do list. Any post-it notes from co-workers go in there so they don't clutter up my space. Things get put in piles by priority on my desk so I get to them accordingly. When you look at my work space, it doesn't seem like I'm too terribly busy because it's never a mess of stuff everywhere and I'm never stressed out. Only if people knew what the heck I have going on in my little book. I guess you can call it a diary but I don't write in it after the fact.

I don't have an in-box because I don't think it serves me a purpose in life. Anything that comes 'in' needs attention obviously so I get to it. If I can't do it right that minute, it will be done in a little while.

I don't do the same job I did for 5 and a half years before I left on maternity leave. Well, I'm only supposed to do it once a week. And that's payroll day. But it's worked out that I'm doing what ever I can to help out the front side of the office and still doing my new job efficiently.

I love it, I really do.

That only means that I am the only person in the office who can do project admin., payroll, a/p, and general admin stuff up front. Not to mention I'm getting to do estimating too, which isn't all that difficult. I just have to keep doing it so I can get to know vendors and their prices and learn how to negotiate. I have a feeling that my counterpart likes to feel more important than she really is and not giving me all the information I need to do my job. That's ok, I'm smart enough to know what she's hiding. You can't keep things under wraps for long with me sitting next to you... even if your monitor is faced away from me.

And then there's the list of personal goals.

List of places Chris and I will eventually visit in our lifetime together.

List of things we want our kids to acheive at certain ages.

List of things to do before I crawl into bed tonight.......

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's year two thousand what?

Ok so I have no idea where this year flew off to.

Last year I wrote a year end wrap up of events and sent it out to friends and family before Jan. 1. and it seems like I JUST DID THAT! Now it's time to write another one? I don't even remember what happened yesterday!

I didn't keep a very good calendar of events this year so I will just omit the letter. We did send out a family photo card. That's pretty good, right?

It's December 13 and I have one gift so far. Not good. I guess it's shopping marathon coming up this week and next. It's ok, it's not like I've never done that before.

We do have to get a tree sometime this week though, given that I'm throwing a little party this weekend. Oh yeah, how about some cleaning too! That might be good huh? I really want to decorate so it'll be good.
Little B is almost 6 months old. She has her check up appointment this Friday... shots and all. She's eating a lot and sleeping longer every night. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how tall she is now.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Why do baby clothes come with pockets?

Why do people become assholes on the road when it starts to rain?

Why isn't my bestfriend married yet?

Why do cars breakdown at the most inopportune time?

Monday, December 11, 2006

2007 Renegades

Here's to an excellent upcoming year Renegades.

I spent Friday night pondering possibilities of marhing without my husband this year. My mind was already made up to be in the guard and my body is ready to lose the excess poundage. Chris on the other hand was still sitting on the fence tetering on whether or not he wants to put his knees through an 8th year of beating on a concrete field week after week. His pact of SopBoys fell apart last year when one found love (eventhough it didn't fall apart when Chris and I got together). Now #2 is looking to get off the fence and join the homefront because he can't stop being bitter about the past. But I do understand his point and I can relate to it.

The new staff has lots to offer us as a colorguard this year. First, the promise of always being there for us. Second, the promise of putting the best guard the Renegades has ever fielded out there.

I am proud to be a part of this year's corps.

After all that.... I am so sore!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

It's been a while

Wow.... Thanksgiving is gone and Christmas is fast approaching. It's been unreal how fast time flies.

Let me see if I can recap....

The whole month of November was pretty much a whirlwind. My mother-in-law and her house full moved into a new apartment in Santa Clara. Her house she was renting was being sold by the broker who was renting it to her. They were in a mad rush to move out by Oct 31st. We drove by there yesterday and there was still empty and the for-sale sign is still on the front yard. The yard has grown in and has random bald spots where her potted plants used to be. Now she doesn't have a garden to grow her veggies at her new place. Such as life I guess.

Since mom moved to a smaller apartment and grandma moved to Manteca... Thanksgiving was at our house this year. I think it will continue to be at our house. Maybe Christmas will be here too, who knows. I love to entertain, especially with family. They don't care that there are crumbs on the floor and judge how clean my spare bathroom needs to be.

My parents weren't the entertaining type. They are pack rats and our house didn't have space for us to walk let alone try to have people over. They didn't have friends anyway. My dad was too sick to be social and my mom was busy taking care of him. Now that she's independent and live on her own, she goes places with her friends.

I had no idea family functions can be so much fun until Chris came into my life. Until a couple of years ago the holidays include all of about 3 people maybe 4. My parents and Reese. And now that I'm married into his family, there are so many people to think about. I love it.

All and all Thanksgiving at our house turned out to be the best we've ever had. Everyone brought something to share and all I had to make was the stuffing and the artichoke dip. Gotta have the infamous artichoke dip.

Next up....


Reese told me he wants to meet Santa when he comes drop off his Heelies. I told him I could take him to the mall to meet Santa. He asked me if he lives at the mall. I said nah... he just goes there to visit little kids and ask them what they want him to bring them. He said no, he can wait til Christmas eve to meet him.

Baby girl is going to be spoiled. That's all there is to it. As if she isn't spoiled already.

Speaking of baby girl... she's starting to scoot around on her belly. She does the backwards thing really well on her hands and knees. She's been doing that for the last couple of weeks or so. Getting on all 4's and rock back and forth. Pretty soon she will discover that if she moves her hands and knees forward she can go get that toy in front of her.

I guess it's about time I start my Christmas shopping this year huh? I know what I am getting people, I just have to get in the car and go to the mall. ugh. That's the worst part... Maybe I can get someone to drop me off at the mall one day and get it all done all at once. What a great idea!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Oct. 29, 2005

And............. Oct. 29, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh how I treasure sleep

Today I woke up with Bailey at 5am with a huge headache brewing. It got worse and worse through the day and I'm convinced it's exhaustion. I haven't really slept since Bailey was born and I knew it would catch up to me sooner or later.

Never have I felt so tired......

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Random guilty pleasures....

Reality TV:
Ok.... there was a moment in time when I thought I wasn't going to get addicted to reality TV. But now there are so many shows on that you can't help but to pick something to watch. It's almost like having instant gratification because in a few weeks the show is over. Or some of them, they are one episode at a time type deal. Some of my favorites?
Survivor: One of my favorite ever. I have watched that show since day one of season one episode one. I didn't think Aras's win was fair... I thought Terry should have won. The naked gay guy won fair and square. The porn star had his stratagy figured out from the getgo. This season is a little early to predict anything yet. We shall see. I am hoping for Yule (think that's his name) the young asian guy who found the immunity idol on exile island on the SECOND episode. He's a hopeful for sure.
The Amazing Race: One day Chris and I are going on this show. That's right! Seriously, we are. We feel that we can do it and be at least in the top few people to finish. We are smart enough, intuitive enough, patient enough, and definitely competitive enough. It is the most fair reality show competition on tv. You finish last, you are out of the competition. No voting, no tribal counsel, no back stabbing.... ok there is some backstabbing going on, but all in the eye of the competitor. Although, if your car breaks down and we pass you up, we will pick you up for karma's sake. lol. This season, I am rooting for the father/daughter team. They are adorable ... and how many of us can say that we've done the Amazing Race with our dads?
America's Next Top Model: I don't know why, I just love that show.
Wife Swap and SuperNanny: That's just a GIVEN!! Gotta love Wife Swap because you're just ASKING for drama when you put total opposites in every household every week. Super Nanny I watch because everytime I watch that show I thank my lucky stars of how well behaved and wonderful our Reese is and that we are doing a good job at being parents. Although there have been many things that I have taken from this show and applied it to our lives with Reese.
Airline: How is Southwest Airline still in business?
Flavor of Love: This is just a show that I watch to fulfill my inner ghettoness.
American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance?: These two shows are in the same genre I think. I love watching the first 2-3 episodes when they try out everyone on earth who can sing/dance or not. It's funny to see all these people make a fool of themselves on national TV. And then if you watch it that far along, you might as well watch the whole dang season and get it over with. I usually predict the winner from the first few episodes, but the last 'Dance', I had no idea that Benji would be the winner. But I knew Taylor Hicks was a given from day 1.
Inked and Miami Ink: Just love the retail drama about them. I can totally run both those stores. That and I wouldn't mind working for Ami James and Carey Hart. Really.
Project Runway: If I knew how to sew, I would totally do this show. Except that I don't think I can stand NYC for that long. But they do send you to exotic locales. Again, last season, I knew Cloe would win and this season I am hoping that Micheal Knight will win. Although he has made 2 very disappointing gowns so far. Everyone has had their bad days though. I just hope that Laura doesn't come up with 12 babydoll, plunging neckline dresses. Uli doesn't make all long flowing summer dresses. And I hope that Jeffrey doesn't win period. He's arrogant and tactless. He doesn't really deserve it.
Parental Control: That show is just funny!

And all the competition shows on Food Network. Cakes, Sugar Show Pieces, Cookies, BBQ, etc.

I'm sure I have missed some shows but these are some favorites. We still watch some of America's Funniest Videos. There are episodes that you just curl up laughing at. Tears rolling down your cheeks funny.


Monday, September 25, 2006

Laugh baby... laugh!

Yesterday we got Bailey to chuckle while playing with her in bed. It's the sweetest sound when you can get a baby to laugh. She laughs, then spits. It's gross, but it's the cutest thing since she's my kid!!

We also took her in to take her 3 month pictures yesterday. Our friends Jen and Chuck are trying launch a photography business so I thought I'd use them for her pictures. And then again for her 6 month photos because I want the shots to be consistent. When we get the cd, I will post on here!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

3 Months have gone by.....

I can't believe it's been 3 months since Bailey has made her appearance into the world. We have been blessed to have such a good baby.

 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Has it really been 12 weeks??

Man, maternity leave sure FLEW by!!

Though I am happy to be back at work. Trying to shake this guilty feeling of leaving Bailey with someone else and having to go to work full time. We can't really afford for me not to though. We just have to accept the fact that she is in good hands and they love her where ever she goes. We have selected a very good in-home daycare provider for her. Not to mention she is CHEAP! Only $190/week for an infant. That's ridiculously cheap. It goes down as she gets older so we're good to go for now. Gladys is awesome though, she has a lot of experience both with her own 3 kids and working in various daycare centers. Now she runs one out of her home and loves it.

Meanwhile, Bailey is growing like a weed. She's talking in her little baby language and making facial expressions along with it. She's trying to roll over but not very successful right now. She knows how to manipulate her way around us. Isn't that normal for little girls? Anyway.... talk about having her daddy wrapped around her little finger. This one has him figured out from day one.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Random conversation with Reese

Reese comes home everyday filthy from school. He wears a school uniform that consists of a white shirt and blue pants....

Me: "What happened to your shirt, baby? Did you roll around in dirt today?"

Reese: "Mom, I roll in dirt everyday, that's what I do"

Alrighty then...... Never under estimate the power of Clorox.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Back to reality

Let's see....

Chris has been home for a few days and I have been sick as a dog. I caught what this entire family went through the week before... a sinus cold. I'm almost over it though. Thank god.

Now that the Renegades season 2006 is over. Chris and I have contemplated the fact that I should march next year. At first it was inspired by the fact that they might go to Hawaii in 07. But in reality, I really miss being a part of the Renegades. I miss my friends and being there on weekends not worrying about real life issues for that extended period of time.

Does that make me a selfish person?

My kids will need me and Chris. But I need to do something for myself too. I love these kids with all of my heart and soul... nothing will ever change that. I think doing Renegades in 07 will be good for me... good for Chris and me. One more year together in the corps as a married couple this time. I love doing guard and nothing will change that.

Here's to one more year.

In the mean time....

Monday 9/11 I go back to work and Bailey is going into daycare. I really hope this lady works out for us and she can stay with her for a good long time. I hate having to switch daycares and having baby adapt to someone new all the time.

Reese is taking the school bus in the morning now. He is ecstatic about it. I walked him to the bus stop this morning for the first time ever. He said to me in a whisper voice 'you can go mom, I'm ok' .... When did he become such a grown up little kid?? I stood there with him until he got on the bus and it rolled away around the corner. Bailey and I came back into the house and in the back of my mind I was 1% thinking that I might not get off the bus at the right school. I don't know why, I should just have more confident in him than that. I didn't want to get that phone call from the school saying "Hi, this is Anderson School, just calling to see why Reese is absent today" when I walked him to the bus stop. It's every mother's nightmare I think.

There was no phone call from the school and he was there when I picked him up. He was so excited about being able to take the bus. Such a big boy! I can't believe he's so grown now. My baby is so grown!! Good thing we have another baby to 'baby'. ha ha.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Day 3 - 7:38pm

Today I went over to Chris's mom's to hang out with her and sort of take my mind off the Renegades and Chris for a few hours. I did talk to him on the phone before I left. They are sitting around waiting for the show to start. It's raining and very windy in NY right now. They got a few hours of rehearsal in today, but not enough to make a difference.

They performed at 8:58pm NY time and are sitting in 7th place right now. It's exactly what they had predicted earlier in the year. At least the made finals ... for all the drama they went through this year.

I tell you though. I can't sit around at home another year waiting for phone calls and scores and pictures anymore. I know my kids need me, but there are other reasons for 'me' that I have considered. I really want to march next year. Maybe... HUGE maybe... just maybe. We'll see.

Not to mention that I MISS CHRIS! Jesus Canoli.... I can't believe that I am this attached to the man. It feels like I'm missing a limb when he's gone. I need him... I am losing sleep because he's not in bed with me when I turn over to cuddle. Although the last couple nights I allowed Reese to sleep in the bed with me. It's just not the same when you have a wiggly kid sticking his feet and elbows in your rib cage rather then a cuddly husband who cuddles you back.

Bailey is still a little congested but not as bad as yesterday. She did sleep good last night, woke up only once and went right back to sleep with a little 4oz bottle. I know.... 4oz is normal for a 6 month old. No.. this girl is a porker. Her 'normal' bottle is now 6oz at max. I kid you not. My mother in law mentioned today that she looks like she's got a little bruise on her leg... Oh no, wait a minute, that's a dimple from her chunks. Her arms are starting to have rolls. Be afraid, be very afraid. My mother told me that I was a fat kid growing up until about 1st grade so I really have nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile.... Reese is 6 years old and weighs in at 43lbs. First of all, he's never going to get out of his booster seat or be able to sit in the front seat of the car... until he's in like Jr. High. The law (for now) is 6 years old AND 60lbs. AND 4 foot 9 inches tall. I hear that it's going to change to 8 years old AND 80lbs. and height the same. WTF is that?? I know adults who will need a booster seat!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Day 2 - 9:45am

Last night Bailey woke up every couple hours because she couldn't breathe. I am exhausted. Trying to get a nap in whenever she sleeps... and it never lasts very long.

Can't wait til Monday comes!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 1 - 7:30pm

Nothing like being home with a sick baby and no hubby.... :-(

Chris called from Rochester about an hour ago to let me know he's in the hotel room and it's really nice there. The equipment truck has yet to arrive. Yikes!!

Day 1

Last night Chris left for Rochester NY. The site of this year's DCA world championship.

I hate being here when he's gone. I hate not being in constant communication with him through out the day. But I am willing to bet that he misses us much more than I hate being without him.

Last night when we dropped him off at the airport, he held Bailey all the way to the security check in line. Where we had to part. It's like I'm missing a limb when he's not around. The good news is that this will be the last time he's going to be gone for more than 4 days. I am looking forward to going to SFO Monday night to pick him up.

Today as I sit here at home thinking about him, he calls from Niagara Falls. I can hear all the wind and the water and people in the background. I'm so jealous... it's such a romantic place to be... and I'm not there.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

why do we do this to our kids

This is Bailey while she's pushing a pooper out.... she'll appreciate me someday. :-)

I think it's hilarious that she works so hard pushing out her poop and then she naps for an hour afterwords. Such a hard life!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

To my friend Lisa

On Friday my friend Lisa's sweet momma passed away.

I just want to send her my sentiments and condolences. We love her dearly and there's nothing worst than losing a parent. Especially if you're an only child.

She is up in heaven with my dad looking down at us right now letting us know that they are ok. They're with us all the time.... Bailey tells me.

Hang in there sweetie. Just know that we love you and we're here for you.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Food Poisoning.... boogers..... and Pilates

Since the last post I've lost 3lbs.

Because I've been working on excercizing regularly. Every other day I try to do some pilates here at home. I think I'm gaining more muscles than losing the fat. Not really doing any of the cardio. Not at all actually. Which is why I'm contemplating on joining a gym. But it's so expensive and if I don't have someone to motivate me or someone to workout with, I just simply won't go.

I've been going to Ariel Dance Studio to get my workout in when there's time. Last week was a Modern dance class with Rhonda, Amy, and Ashley. It felt really good to be moving again. The other night I went to a Pilates class. My abs are killing me!! I really want to keep going to both the classes and I'm sure it will help me with my weight.

Renegades weekend off
Last weekend we experienced what pleasure it is to have Chris home hanging out with us the whole weekend. Unfortunately, I was hit with food poisoning Saturday morning and it lasted almost the entire day! Bad chicken from the night before. Good thing the boys didn't have any of it. I forgot what it felt like to be 'violently ill'. I'd never wish that stomachache on anyone!

I can't wait until the Renegades season is over.... I just want my husband back home on the weekends again. I miss him... I miss his company.... I miss doing things as a family. His little girl needs him.

3 more weeks until the end of the dispare. I hope they do well in Rochester this year. I really wish that I could be there with them. Technically... I can go. Financially, not so much. Reese will start school next week and I'm pretty sure I can set something up with my mother in law to make sure that he gets to school every day.

Oh well. I wish the Renegades the best of luck...and my husband a good trip to the east coast.

And this post wouldn't be complete without a Random Conversation with Reese
I looked in my rear view mirror to see a strangely quiet little boy picking his nose digging for gold.
Me: Reese, don't pick your nose
Reese: Why not, I have to get the boogers out
Me: Then blow your nose with a tissue
Reese: I don't have any tissue
Me: Then wait til we get home
Reese: Too late, I ate the boogers!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The value of service

This week Chris and I are on a mission to find a daycare provider for our daughter. I will have to return to work the second week of September. I figured we should start looking now so that we don't rush and settle with someone just because we found her first. (I say her because daycare providers are usually women).

I looked online for the 4C's. Nothing came up. I have always used them to find in home care providers in the area. Anyone who's registered with the county is listed on the 4C's listing. They must have current child care license, cpr trained, know the rules and speak english. Anyway... their website isn't there so I will look it up and call them another day. I have always had good luck finding someone through them for Reese in the past.

So while I was messing around online, I thought I'd check out the daycare 'center' type places and see what they provide and costs. Every place is different. My mom works for the military daycare center in Alameda. They are 'income-based'. You pay them what you can afford and they know how much you make because you must be in the military to have your kids there. I think that's a brilliant idea. But to us civilians, things aren't that easy.

I checked out 2 places today that are 'daycare center'(s).

They are very official about everything. Which they should be. But why does it have to cost an arm and a leg? And your first born???

I mean, seriously, it's ridiculous! I might as well not go back to work. Chris and I calculated out the budget and stretch every penny out and we STILL can not afford to have Bailey go to one of these centers. And both our salaries combined total up to over $100k. No lie. We'd eat rice and beans and not have spending money... ever!

One place cost $1325/mo. The other was $1430.

All I gotta say is.... WTF man?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Random conversation with Reese

This conversation took place yesterday when he was done with doing #2.

Reese: Mom, I just had a lot of poo-poos. The last one was big, it hurt my butthole.
me: Oh yeah?
Reese: My butthole is red, wanna see it? Maybe you can kiss it make it better.
me: I believe you, I don't want to kiss it.
Reese: How is it going to feel better?
me: I don't know, but I'm not going to kiss your butthole.
Reese: Alright, mom. But I'm going to tell my friend you won't kiss me anymore.
me: riiiiiiiiiiiight.

I can't wait til Bailey starts talking.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Near Death Experience...

Well sort of...

Today I decided to take the kids up to TI to visit the Renegades and watch their final run-through of the camp. The drive up was great, with the exception of the wait at the toll plaza... where Bailey decided she wanted to wake up and cry non-stop the entire time we were at the stop and go parking lot awaiting to pay the toll. Once we got on the foot of the bridge though, we're nice and calm. Go figure.

On the way back with Chris in the car was a different story. It was like there's a full moon out tonight and all the wackos are out.

We got on the bridge east bound heading home on 80. As we approach the bottom of the bridge and the lanes get wider I noticed in my rear view mirror this car weaving in and out of traffic. Granted, traffic wasn't heavy at all but we were all increasing in speed since we're on solid ground now. I'm in the second lane from the right, there was no one next to me so I started to scoot over to the far right so that I'm away from this guy.

As he got closer to my rear end, I noticed that one of his right tires is leaning at a 45 degree angle and the car is leaning to the right as he approaches my car. He weaved just far enough that he didn't touch us but close enough to scare me. I didn't really know how to react initially, never been in that situation really. A second later a CHP followed.

The CHP was chasing this car with the jacked up wheel!

The funny part is that he's not going that fast. Probably just 10 MPH over our speed, which was only about 55 since I slowed down to get away from him and he scared me. Most people on the road had the same reaction.

From this moment on, it was surreal. I thought I was on one of those police chase videos I see on TV. The guy momentarily lost control of his car and skidded across 4 lanes of traffic forcing 3 cars to step on their brakes. Most of us further away saw it coming and slowed down to be far behind. It was like slow motion.

The Lexus SUV in the far left lane was the unfortunate vehicle in this incident. They didn't see it coming at all. The driver stepped on her breaks and fishtailed out of control into the center divider. The truck rolled 2-3 times crashing into the sign and finally landed on its 4 wheels in the median.

The car that caused this accident then lost its jacked up tire, but the driver managed to get it facing the right way and kept on driving. The CHP is still chasing this guy 2 lanes away at the same speed.

His lost tire rolled across 5 lanes into our exit... then at the shoulder it turned around and rolled back onto the freeway. I slowed down and let it pass.

My heart is beating 100 miles an hour at this point. I don't want to look back but I wanted to. Those poor people in the SUV! There were people pulled over to help them out. That and this happened only a few feet from the toll plaza on the other side.

Later as we drove half way home I realized that at the moment that accident happened, I wasn't looking where I was going at all. If anyone or anything was in front of me, I think I would have hit it. It's a really good thing Chris was in the car with me because he really helped calm me down because he's such a mellow soul. Eventhough I know he was also scared to death too.

And then around San Leandro traffic slowed down to 30 mph when we saw why cars were weaving out of the far left lane. There were 4 dining room chairs scattered about on the freeway. About a half mile later, a tiny pick up truck with the rest of the furniture is backing up on the shoulder. He must really want his furniture. First off, he caused a major traffic jam. Secondly, backing up or driving on the shoulder is illegal, I think. Third, how the hell is he going to get his chairs back? They are in the far left lane!


Must have been a full moon I say.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Swollowing the pride

I'm going to join 24hr fitness. Sometime next week I'll make my way down there and finally get my act together since I cant' seem to get my ass off the couch on my own at home. Not that I can't do it... it's just really hard to do with a newborn baby and a 6 year old who both require my attention 23 hours out of the day. I sure wish my matabolism was the same as it was when I were younger. Don't we all wish that though? It also doesn't help that I sit here and watch Food Network half the day and start craving things I see on TV. I remember the days when I used to be so picky about what I ate. Not so much since I've been with Chris. Which is good in my book, he's widen my palette dare I say.

My scale says I've lost one pound since last week. I'm now at 169lbs. At least it's tipping to the right direction. I am eating less that I was before. That actually surprised me the most about the change in my eating habits. My appitite seems to have lessen since Bailey's been born. I'm back to eating a little bit here and there. Can't finish a 6 inch subway sandwich anymore. Whereas when I was pregnant, I can down a whole sandwich and 3 cookies and probably be hungry 2 hours later.

I do have to adjust my diet. A LOT. I eat a lot of starch. Rice, bread, sugar, lots of sugar. I need more protein more greens. It's gonna be hard to give up sugar... probably not give up, just cut back a whole lot. Chris is going into the same diet. I'm not sure if he's doing this to help me get through it or if he's feeling like he's dragging too. We have not cooked in a long time. It's been a while since we used our kitchen at all. Dinner out of a box doesn't count. I think the last time he cooked was a fajita dinner before Bailey was born. It's just too hot to cook! At least that's our excuse.

The end of my sanity

This is it....


Because of my new obcession with my weight. Today I bought a scale. Just so I can be even more obcessed with it.

My whole complex stems from the fact that I've never ever been this heavy nor have I ever had trouble losing some spare poundage.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I have a complex about my weight.

A quick synopsis:

2 years ago I weighed 130lbs.
It's the weight I've been at since high school. The distribution of the weight between muscle and fat have moved with time, but it's always been 130. I ate whatever I wanted when I wanted. My matabolism was high and I was constantly active. Dance, drum corps, stress, whatnot.

1 year ago I weighed 145lbs.
Up until I got pregnant with Bailey I weighed that much. Which is fine, I'm 30 years old, I eat whatever Chris cooks, snacked constantly. I keep thinking it's the compensation for my height too. We were so happy to be pregnant. I started eating for 2. And didn't care!

That's my first mistake. I lost weight right away when I had Reese that I kept thinking the same will happen this time. I hardly ate anything when I was pregnant with him it was a miracle that he was born healthy. And he's still is.

June 19th... the day Bailey was born. I weighed in at 192lbs before the delivery. I almost tipped 200lbs. That's really not good.

Last Monday I went in for my 6 week check up with my OB. I weighed 170lbs.

I could have sworn that I lost more than that. Ever since that day, I've had a complex about that number. I have to fit back into my size medium clothes. I refuse to buy a whole new wardrobe for work. I have 6 weeks to get back to somewhat normal.

Chris and I are going on a low carb diet together. Hopefully we can stick to it. We're not doing very good so far but we are adjusting what we take in our body. With Bailey being around, she takes up most of my time and I forget to eat. I get to snack a lot.

The other thing I have to keep in mind is that I'm 31. It's going to be a lot harder to lose the weight than when I was 25.

That and my mother happily pointed out this past weekend that I'm still fat and she wants her beautiful daughter back. Thanks mother. Let me just go shoot myself.

Here starts a journey I never thought I'd have to face.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Neighborly love.... and other ramblings

There are different kinds of neighbors....

1. The kind that comes over whenever asking random questions thinking that they are welcomed and/or thinking that they are your friend. This particular neighbor moved back into our neighborhood after about 2 years of hiatus. He saw me getting out of my car and thought he'd rekindle whatever friendship we had. What a joke. He's broke, no job, no money, no manners. Since I'm too nice to tell him to fuck off when he comes over to use the phone, he keeps coming back. Finally I had to use my unspoken language of 'You're bugging the shit out of me, please leave us alone'. I think he got the hint since we haven't seen him in a few days.

It wouldn't bother me so much if he would just use the phone and get out. But no.... he dials 1o different numbers, hang out in our hall way knowing that we have a newborn, talk excessively to whomever about whatever for however long. RUDE! Then he asks for a ride somewhere. What do you think dude? No, I'm not giving you a ride, I got 2 kids and one of which is an infant. And no, you can not borrow my car. Take the bus. Wouldn't you know it, he asks for bus money.


2. The kind that comes to introduce themselves and let us know they have a new baby also and would love to get together someday. How nice! These are the people upstairs. We hadn't met them until this day. It was 100 degrees out and they were going somewhere else to cool off for the day with the baby.

3. The neighbor that houses 6 roommates in one apartment and constantly have 20 of their friends over to smoke out in the backyard. Their TV is on at all hours of the night and there are constantly people sitting outside their front steps smoking.

4. The neighbor who have no idea what their bounderies are and spread their shit whereever they please.

This morning... ok around noon time today I go out to get the mail and wouldn't you know it, there's a strange car parked in our driveway. I knock on the neighbor's door to see if it's theirs. No one is home. I call the landlord, he told me to just have it towed. We work on that until I noticed that someone is home across the walkway. I go over there and wa-la! It's their car. I said I called a tow truck since it's my driveway you're parked in. They crumbled up my note and threw it in our driveway. Thanks jackasses. If you want to park in our driveway, pay part of our rent.

5. Our maintenance guy who lives upstairs. Single guy, lives with his son, has no furniture but a ton of work out equipment in the living room and a tv. Nicest guy though. His son decided to have a mosh pit in his room one day with the music so loud I could sing along while it was coming through the ceiling. oy!

Neighbor rant

The day I lost my clutch...
One day last week I went to Milpitas to pick up Reese's birthday present. A bicycle. Him and sister were at my mother in law's while I was running errands. I was exiting 280 at Saratoga when I went to down shift and my clutch pedal disappeared into the floor board. OK... time to FREAK OUT! I managed to coast up the ramp and through the green light to the Velero station. My clutch was gone. They have to replace it. $700 later.....

Reese's birthday
Sunday we threw Reese a birthday party. We had about 12 people including kids in our house. Luckily it wasn't 100 degrees. He had a great time! Derek and Ryan Dante were here. It's the one day we allowed Reese to run around be loud and make a big mess. Of course, it was worth it. He got a bunch of clothes and really cool toys. I don't know another kid with as many toys as he has. I really have to stop buying him toys. I can't imagine Bailey having as much stuff. But then again, she has more clothes than we do, so maybe that will be her niche.... clothes!

And then there's the baby that doesn't sleep!
Bailey stays up all day!! I don't know how she's not tired. Maybe she is, she just likes to fight with it. Every kid has their querks I guess.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pork Chop

Our little pork chop has her own personality now. Chris calls it 'attitude'. She's starting to smile and talk a little. It's the most adorable thing to hear her coo. She's the love of Chris's life and sunshine in mine.

Monday, July 24, 2006

1 month 1 week

Our little Bailey is 5 weeks old today!

Friday, July 21, 2006

10 Random reasons I love my husband

10 - He looks really good in glasses

9 - He's a natural at being a daddy

8 - He's my definition of 'unconditional love'

7 - He lets me be me

6 - He puts his family first

5 - He's a gentleman

4 - He doesn't mind watching chick flicks and lets me cry all over his shirt

3 - He never ever gets angry... a little irritated maybe, but never angry

2 - He spoils me

1 - I get to be married to him :-)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Happy Birthday Bailey Bean!!

Our little precious girl is ONE MONTH old today!!

Last night she slept through the night. Only because she stayed awake all day! She slept from 10pm to 6am. It actually startled me! It was daylight by the time she started making her noises. She didn't even cry!

She drank her bottle and then some. What a little piggy!

Reese loves to hold her and kiss her and smother her. He helps me with every day chores especially when it comes to her. Bath time, feeding time, etc.

We try to go to a park every day. Switching off to different locations so Reese doesn't get bored. And so I don't get bored either!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hiatus from Renegades

Well not really on hiatus from Renegades since Chris is still marching and I'm still around as a spectator.

It feels really weird watching from the stands.

This past Saturday I went to Sunnyvale to see my first drum corps show this year. I watched them warm up... saw a bunch of friends and showed up baby girl. Well, her dad did more of that than me I think. He's so proud of her.

When they got into uniform and walked towards the field to line up. I felt this emptiness like I'm suppposed to be there in line with them walking on. Then I went inside and took a seat holding Bailey watching the show. It was weird to be sitting in the audience watching these guys this year. I should be on the field performing. I can't do that anymore.

At least not for a long time.

I watched Chris march the show as intensely as ever. He had the same look in his eyes as in 04 when we got together. I want to be there with him always.... but I can't.

These are the moments I give up when we decide to have a baby I guess. It was a sad time for me....

Maybe I'll feel different tomorrow.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Life Lessons on Raising a Girl... for Daddy

Excerpts taken from a coffee table book by Harry Harrison

*** Be forwarned.... not for the sensitive and tender hearted***

Raising a girl takes two parents:

A mom to show her how to be a woman.

A dad to show her how to be independent.

A dad's job is to make his daughter courageous. Fearless. To ake her feel beautiful. To give her a sense of adventure. To make her feel secure and confident.

The relationship between a dad and a daughter is very simple: She will love her father and trust him completely, forever.

Because he's her first love. Her first hero. The first man in her life.

The wonder years....
  • Accept the fact that she will melt your heart anytime she chooses.
  • Take part in her life now. Don't wait until she's 15 to try and develop a relationship.
  • When you get home from work, hold her as much as possible.This is for your benefit as much as hers.
  • Sing to her while you're rocking her. She'll love hearing your voice as much as you love the bonding.
  • Tell her from day one that she can accomplish anything.
  • Let her sleep on your chest when she's a baby. This is when the world begins to make sense.
  • Memorize her face. Her eyes. Her hands. She'll be memorizing everything about you.
  • Give her baths. Do not leave this to mom alone. It's pure magic.
  • Her mom will show her how to bake cookies. You show her how to dunk them in milk.
  • Know that while you will never understand her thing for dolls, you will buy more of them than you can possibly imagine.
  • Emotionally, physically, and spiritually healthy girls are raised in a loving atmosphere. Do all you can to creat a tranquil home.
  • Be prepared to watch a Disney movie with her some 200 times.
  • Tickle her, play with her, give her piggyback rides. She's not breakable.
  • Never lost the wonder of watching her and her mother together.
  • Relish the moment when she toddles up and for no reason at all throws her arms around your neck. Resist the urge to buy her the world.
  • Trust her mom to understand the mystery of little girls. You have yet to figure out the mystery of big ones.
  • Never, ever, make fun of her.
  • Bear in mind that from the very beginning your personality will shape her.
  • Realize that as you shape her, she will shape you.
  • Always remember, she can do anything a boy can do.
  • Brush her hair occationally. You'll be amazed how long she'll want you to do this.
  • Never forget that supportive fathers produce daughters with high self-esteem.
  • Read to her often. Very soon, she'll be reading to you.
  • Give her a picture of you to put in her first purse. If you're lucky, she'll always carry a photo of you.
  • Buy her a jungle gym. However, if she falls off that jungle gym, disregard those thoughts about killing yourself.
  • Encourage her to play with boys.
  • Play catch with her. Even if the ball is pink and covered with glitter.
  • Dance with her always. She'll never be too young. Or old.
  • Give her a Valentine's Day card... every year.
  • Ask about her day, every day. Share her wonder.
  • Keep her secrets. This way she will begin to trust men.
  • Write this down. Girls cry. A lot.
  • Show her how to play poker.
  • Teach her not to be afraid of boys, but to be ready to challenge them.


More another day...... this is making me cry!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Entertaining myself....and the kids....

I'm in my 6th week of being home on maternity leave. 4th week of actual FMLA. The first 2 didn't count because those were Disability leave... you get 12 weeks after baby's born off of work - paid.

The first couple weeks off were great. I got a lot done at home. Bailey's room came together. Reese was at school still.

...and then I ran out of things to do.... Reese is out of school and he can't sit still for nothing.

Baby came and all we can focus on is baby Bailey. I had a hard time trying to recover the first couple of weeks. My body didn't bounce back like it did when I had Reese. I swelled up like a bolloon from water and being in bed for days. I'm still fat.

There's another issue right there. With Reese I gained 21lbs. and lost it all the week after he came out. But I had Postpartum Depression... I'd rather be fat than go through the depression again. That SUCKED!

This time... I'm not losing the weight quite the same rate, but I'm not going through the depression. So.... Gold's Gym here I come!!

I want my fabulous abs back
I want my butt to fit into my size 8's again
I want to keep these B cup boobs!

I want to fit into my clothes again... have I already mentioned that? That's my only complex right now. No way am I going to buy a whole new wardrobe just because I'm 2 pant sizes bigger right now.

That and my mother happily pointed out that I got fat and I must lose weight. Not that I want to do what she says... but I'll never hear the end of it if I don't do something about it.

Meanwhile.... Bailey gained 2lbs. in 4 weeks!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Random Facts about Bailey

  • She's got her daddy wrapped around her little finger the minute she was born.
  • She's eating 4oz of formula every few hours. (I know babies who are 6 months old eating that much... she's only 4 weeks old)
  • She quivers her bottom lip when she cries really hard. No tears though.
  • Her hair is falling off her head everyday.
  • I can't wait til I can give her pigtails.
  • She has more clothes than Chris and I.
  • She won't repeat an outfit once she can fit into them.
  • She has a major cow before she falls asleep. Like she's always fighting it.
  • She sleeps 4-5 hour stretches at night. Thank god!
  • She's more comfortable in her daddy's arms than anyone.
  • She recognizes my voice, Reese's, and her daddy's.
  • She HATES the carseat.
  • She will not sleep on her back.
  • She doesn't like being naked and/or taking a bath.
  • Her nicknames are Bailey-Bean and Bubba-girl and Princess.
  • She got my hands and feet and her daddy's bowed legs, eyebrows, long torso, and attitude.
  • She is spoiled rotten.

Hospital roommate from hell

Since I have a few minutes before Bailey wakes up from her nap. I have to share my experience of recovering with a roommate in the hospital. Granted, I was only there for one night and half a day, I really wanted to strangle my roommate.

First of all, I was put in that room first because Bailey came early in the AM and my roommate came in at around 3pm. Young, really young (19-21 year old at most) Vietnamese girl with her "husband" and her entire family. With that, I mean her mom, dad, his mom, his dad, 2 sets of grandparents, aunt, uncle, and a couple of friends.

Now, if you are of Asian decent, which I am half of, you'd know that the Viets live with their entire 3-4 generations of families in one house. I do respect the fact that they value family, but there are limits.

The room was small first of all, and I'm shoved on the inside bed since I was there first. Which is fine because I have a curtain and I have first dibs on the TV channels. The SHARED restroom, however, was on her side and her area was covered with bodies of her families and friends visiting until 9pm. They are talking over each other as if they had no idea that there's another patient in the next bed recovering also. The elderly couple (her grandparents I assume) kept looking, more like gawking at me... even when I was trying to nurse Bailey. I said to them a few times "What are you looking at?" and they just smiled at me.


I had friends and family who came by to visit and it was impossible to get into the room. I finally had to use the restroom later in the day so I trekked over there with my IV pole and help from Chris. They wouldn't move! They could barely hear me say "Excuse me!" since they were all talking at once. Finally they moved but not quite out of the way. Their elderly were sitting right in front of the restroom doors and they had to be helped up and walk. She (the girl who had the baby) gave me this look as if I was inconveniencing them. I said "There is another patient in this room too". They were quiet for a while.

I get into the restroom and she had left a bloody mess in there. I'm not going to bother explaining what the mess was, I think you all know what I'm talking about. I called the nurse to come clean it up and she thought I made the mess. UGH!!! I go in there to use the restroom finally and ALL MY MEDICAL SUPPLIES WERE GONE!! She took them! My pads, my tusk pads, my antiseptic spray, and my cleansing bottle. I couldn't go pee without having that stuff!! I had to walk back out, interrupted her family bonding moment and asked her if she TOOK MY STUFF!! She said she thought it was all there for her. NO WACKO, your nurse will bring your shit! I was here first, this shit was for ME!! I called the nurse and told her I needed new supplies. I FINALLY got to use the restroom after a half hour ordeal which I shouldn't have had to deal with in the first place.

Visiting hours were over at 8pm. My friends and family (including Chris) left by 8pm. There was no room for him to sleep there and this would have been his last 'good' night of rest anyway, he went home. My roommate's friends and family would NOT leave! I asked my nurse when visiting hours were over and she told me she would get rid of them for me. They all finally left by 9 except her 'husband'. (she referred to him as both boyfriend and husband).

I nursed Bailey and we were both going down for some sleep by 11pm. Then I hear SLUUUUURP from the other side of the curtain. They were eating 2 big ass bowls of Pho. Vietnamese noodle soup. I get out of bed and peaked in from my curtain and asked them "DO YOU MIND?" she said "Oh, sorry". They must think I'm the biggest bitch on the block by now.

Her nurse wheeled in her baby around the same time. Now there's comotion since now she has to be prompted by an English speaking nurse for a half hour about the baby. This girl has no maternal insticts what so ever. Even if this is your first kid and you're totally clueless, you would read up and be less clueless than this girl. Seriously, she had NO IDEA what to do.

Her 'husband' finally left at around 1am. Lights are off on my side and her baby is quiet as well as mine. Her nurse comes in and finds her nursing the baby. "I thought you didn't want to breastfeed, how long have you been at it?" she replied "Oh about a half hour". She said that she thought she would try it. Well, the baby had had formula in the nursery (she was told this, but apparently she wasn't paying attention) so now she's overfeeding her baby. The baby throws up. She freaks out.

All throughout the night it was lights on lights off lights on lights off...... NURSE!!! NURSE!!!

Am I still even in the room? Is Bailey still in here? Does she even take us into consideration?

She asked the nurse "Can I have my own room? I don't like being with a stranger." YOU THINK I DO???? I should get my own room I was there first!!

Around 4am the nurse comes in and she's still up for some reason. The nurse asks her "When was the last time you changed her diaper?" .... "I'm changing her diaper?" she asks. The nurse is telling her all the basics that she needs to do and then told her that she's bringing her a Vietnamese version of baby care instructions. Thank GOD! You would think that with all her family around her she would know what to do!

About an hour later her baby throws up again. NURSE!!!! she called for help. The nurse comes in and apparently she's been nursing the baby for an hour and also giving her formula. I feel so bad for this baby already.

Her baby is in her hospital crib right up against my curtain which is right up against my bed. I can hear every breath of both my baby and hers through the rest of the night. Her baby would cry and I would wake up thinking it's Bailey. 9 out of 10 times it's her baby. Except that when her baby cried she would SHAKE THE CRIB!! I called for a nurse after the 3rd time she did that and told her. She stopped shaking the crib but started yelling WHOA WHOA WHOA for the baby to stop crying.

She would feed her baby while the baby is sleeping but pay no attention while she's crying. Hello!! McFly!! when baby cries, that usually means she's HUNGRY or she needs to be changed, not yelled at or shaken!

She fell asleep with baby at her breast. I really didn't want to witness her suffocating her baby while I'm the only one in the room with her.

The next day at 7am, her family returned. All the noise and chaos started all over again just when I was able to get an hour of sleep. The nurse asked if they can keep it down for me and at least 4 people looked over at my side of the curtain. WHAT??? Why do you need to look?? At 9am when visiting hours began, Chris got there. My doctor already signed my discharge papers at that point so we were just waiting for Bailey to be discharged. It took until 2pm, but we finally could pack up and go home.

They wheeled the wheelchair in for me and Bailey to leave and again, they wouldn't move. They are going to make my hospital stay miserable to the last freakin' minute.

Now that we're home and it's very peaceful here I pray to any god that that baby will be ok.

Ok, I'm done with my story!

Bailey is here!

Our Bailey is here!!

Wow! It's been a while since I've written anything in here. Well, it seems like we have begun a new life now that the little one has arrived.

Let's see... Where do I even begin??

Let's go back to the weeks approaching the delivery.

I thought I'd be pregnant forever! Bailey was 3 days overdue by the time I felt any significant pain. I stopped working on June 2 ( my last day was June 2) and stayed home thinking that she will come early like her brother did. I ended up sitting at home feeling really big and not able to do much. Reese was out of school for the summer and I couldn't really take him anywhere or do much with him.

On her due date of June 16, Reese and I went to a park to just play and hang out. I thought my water had broken because I felt some extra wetness 'down there'. I waited til the afternoon to go to the hospital thinking it's not really a big deal. The nurse told me that my water hasn't broken yet and it was in fact my bladder leaking because Bailey was pushing down with her head.

They called my doctor to come check me out. He determined that I needed some gentle encouragement. He stripped my cervix to help the contractions come a little quicker. That was Friday afternoon. I went through the entire weekend with small contractions about 1o-15 minutes apart. Nothing too significant.

Monday morning 3am I couldn't sleep too comfortably anymore. The pain was getting more intense by the minute. I moved into the baby's room where the recliner is with some blankets and a clock to time the contractions. The pain got unbarable by 6am. I woke up Chris and Reese and we headed out to the hospital. I swear I was going to explode in the car!

We get to the hospital and had to go through the emergency entrance because it's after hours. The clerk checking me in put me in a wheelchair and began asking all the general questions. Chris and Reese had to wait in another area since there wasn't enough room for them to sit with me. I'm keeled over in pain every few minutes and the dude asks me "Are you here with abdominal pain?"..... urrr.... "I'm in fucking labor!" I do believe those words came out of my mouth.

7:30-ish we finally get up stairs to Labor and Delivery. Kelly is already there waiting for Reese. (she didnt have to check in like I did) I get settled in with the nurse's help. My one absolutely WONDERFUL nurse who was there with us the ENTIRE time. The stupid monitor thingy wasn't detecting my contractions at all. I kept watching it when I'd get one... nope... nothing on there. I told the nurse that I'm having them every 3-4 minutes but it's not registering, she said she can see that I'm in labor and not to worry about the machine. She checks me, I'm at 4cm now.... she gives me pain meds. Woooo eeeeeeeee..... I'm high as a kite! The pains are still there but they are now more managable.

Note to self: This would have been a good time to ask for the Epideral.

The doctor has been called, he's on his way now. It's about 8:15. The nurse checked me again... I'm at 6cm. Holy crap that was fast. I'm now fully effaced, the baby's head is right there. She gives me more pain meds.The doctor got there around 9:15am. We chatted it up a little and then he checks me out. I'm at 9cm and baby's pushing her way out now. NOW I asked for the Epideral. The doc said "Um, no, it's too late for that, the baby is going to come out now, you need to start pushing"WHAT???? NO!!! Chris said that the expression on my face was priceless when he said I couldn't have the Epideral. After about 5 series of pushing... screaming... clawing... sweating... shaking... Bailey arrived at 9:48am.

I thought I was going to die. I thought she would never come out. I pushed and pushed with all my might. One push before the last she came out side ways and got sucked back in because I couldn't bare down anymore. When she finally came out, the doc had to stop when her head was fully out and turn her around so he can suction her mouth out. She cried. Then I pushed the rest of her out.Then the pain was gone. Just like that. No tearing, no epesiodemy, no complications. They put her up to me to start nursing right away. She's still got all the birth gunk on her (they cleaned her up just enough).

She's still gray in color, but she got that latch-on to the boob thing down from the minute she was born! They are still working on cleaning me and prepping me for recovery at this point. They came and took her to get her bath and weight, length, accessments and to give her shots. Now I go to a recovery room. Family and friends came to visit while Bailey was still in the nursery. They all make their trek to the nursery to see her while I'm laying in the bed still. There was a big gap of time between when they took her and when they brought her back. EVERYONE else got to see her!! Chris kept going back to the nursery to see her and give me updates on what they are doing with her. He's the only one who has access inside the nursery so he got some pictures of her getting her first bath, etc. I had no pain after her birth. My muscles are extremely sore and I'm swollen from the water weight. My belly still looks like I'm about 4 months prego. It's all good. I'll join a gym. I took one motrin every 8-10 hours for the soreness and now I don't feel anymore.

Tuesday my doctor came in to do a check up and he discharged me right away. The baby's doctor came in to check on her and she discharges her also. We've all been home since Tuesday and all our attention has been on the girl. Reese hasn't been forgotten, he's been a huge help. We got him a little pool for the backyard since it's been 100 degrees out. I feel kinda bad because he likes going to the park/playground and now we can't go anywhere for a while. We're going to get him involved in local activities though.

Chris has been taking pictuers non-stop! He's so proud. Bailey looks like both of us (I know newborns look like aliens). She's got Chris's long torso and short bowed legs and his nose.... my feet and hands and cheekbones. She's got lots of hair... everywhere! Shoulder hair and back hair too.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away....

Come again another day.....
All the children want to play....
Rain, rain, go away...

Reese has been singing that song the last few days. Just because it's been non-stop rain here. We finally have a back yard and he doesn't even get to go play outside. Fortunately, last weekend when Derek came over, they got to go run around outside for a while. Yesterday was a really good day and the sun came out and stayed out all day. Today is looking good so far and Reese might just get to go play soccer after school. Although I just looked at the forecast and it's supposed to start raining at around 3pm. ugh.

Tomorrow Chris and I are going to look for something to decorate Bailey's room with. Probably a border ledge of some sort. We want the Secret Garden bedding and decor from Lambs Ivy. We already registered for it and hopefully get it. (see picture). Maybe we'll get a window covering or something to start. First off we have to clean the room and Reese's room. Chris and I both hate blinds as window covering. Or just having blinds and nothing else. It just doesn't feel like home. It feels like a dorm.

Other than that.... I just don't feel like being at work today at all.

Chris is taking the day off from work and is with his brother probably at Garden City of Bay 101 doing their thing. I have so much stuff to do but I don't feel like doing any of it. Maybe I can just leave and not come back after I drop off Reese. lol.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


This morning we woke up, showered, got dressed and I walked out of our bedroom to prepare lunch and snacks. I hear Reese's TV on down the hall. .... oh he's already up, cool.

Reese: "Hi mom! I woke up when your music was on"
Ok, that tells me that when our alarm went off he woke up... that was at 6:30am.
Me: "What did you want for breakfast? Purple or Red pb&j?"
Reese: "I already had one mom"
Me: "Oh... ok..... can you change into your school clothes?"
Reese: "Sure! I can do it all by myself ok?"
Me: "Alrighty... I guess I can go now...."

Can we do this everyday????

I mean.. It's never a struggle to wake him up in the morning really. But this is so much easier!!

Monday, April 03, 2006

31 almost 32 weeks

For the first time in my life I felt those Braxton-Hicks contractions. It was yesterday while driving home from my mom's. It scared the living shit out of me. When I was pregnant with Reese, I didn't experience any contractions until I was induced with patocin in the hospital after my water already broke.

I came home and told Chris and realized that I am scared. It's a sign that this baby is coming soon and my body is 'warming up' for the real thing. The difference is that I know what to expect this time and Chris is there with me. Doesn't take the fear away completely however.

I read another blog this morning of a friend who just found out that she is pregnant. They have been trying for quite some time. In fact about 7 months... around the same time that we got pregnant. She finally getting her lifelong wish of becoming a mother. Having her own family. A baby is a precious gift and I'm sure she realizes that just by talking with her and reading her posts.

Some of the things that she wrote on her blog makes me think about how I am doing as a parent. Of course every mom criticizes themselves every day. If not, I think you have an issue. Every day I thank my lucky stars that Reese is a good boy and that this little girl inside me will come out the same if not better. I know that it takes the effort of the parents to mold your child into who they grow up to be. 50% of the time. 50% if it is them wanting to be that person and willing to work with you. One of the things that I did with Reese was when he started the tantrum thing I tried to stop it from day one. I'm sure I'm not the first one to try that, but with him, it worked for the most part.

I just know that Reese needs a lot of love and TLC being the sensitive guy that he is.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy Hump Day

Does anyone say that anymore? Or am I just a couple of years behind on the lingo thing.

Yesterday I had another prenatal check up. I hate the waiting in the room part. Just because when I get there, I'm already pressed for time and it's a ways from where we live. Oh well.

The doc did get on my case for not having taken my Glucose test yet. I just haven't had time to do it unfortunately. I know I have to for good reasons so I will do it this weekend fo' sho'! I have to take another blood test for Anemia. Guess I should have been taking those monster vitamins.

He also said that I'm gaining too much weight too fast. The Glucose test will show whether or not I have Gestational Diabetes and if the baby will be a pork chop when she comes out.

Some nicknames we have for Bailey already - Bailey-Bean, Booba-girl, Beanster, Bailey-lalley, Pork-chop. Reese calls her Belly, Sissy, Baby girl. She's not going to know her name until she's like 7 years old. lol.

Friday, March 24, 2006

30 Weeks

Jesus holy mother of god...... I'm 10 weeks from my due date????

No babies I know have been born on their due date unless you were induced or scheduled a c-section. So Bailey will probably want to come out sooner like her brother did.

Chris and I are getting more and more excited as I get bigger and bigger by the day. Speaking of which, I have to take a picture of my belly here soon. It's been a few weeks since we last posted a picture.

I'm having issues walking up and down stairs. Out of breath all the damn time. I can't put on my socks and shoes as easily anymore. Although I can still see my feet. Thank god. My fingers and toes are a little swollen, you can't tell just looking at me, but I can feel my rings are getting tighter and my toes tingle a little at the end of the day.

This weekend is yet another crazy weekend because guess what??? We're moving!! April 1st we move into a 3 bedroom apt next door to where we live now. The landlord loved us from the moment we met. AAAAAAAAND he's letting me paint Bailey's room. yey!! I'm going to stamp the walls with flowers and butterflies. Maybe I will paint a mural.... oh so many options!!

Katie's shower is tomorrow. I think we're ready to go with that. All we have to do is cook up some stuff tonight and buy some flowers tomorrow before we get there.

There's also an 8am soccer game. I think that's just punishment for the parents! Christ! I don't want to be up at 6:30am if I don't have to be!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Busy Weekend

I need a vacation from this past weekend.... geez!!

It all started Friday after work with Reese's soccer practice. We didn't expect there would be practice since it was supposed to rain Friday. So after work I rushed to go get him and then rushed home to change him into soccer gear then rushed to practice.

We get there and it's freezing and only half the team was there. grrrr.... The coach let the kids go early since it was St. Patty's day and he had no help coaching. The field was quite muddy so we all ended up going home with muddy kids. I changed Reese right there on the sideline since I didn't want muddy shoes in my car. lol.

Chris's car is in the shop so after soccer we went to his work to pick him up. Then we finally get to go home.

Saturday morning Reese had a soccer game. 11am game that he didn't get to play in because he didn't have the team shorts on. The league owner came by and saw that 3 of our kids weren't wearing the right shorts. They gave us size medium short, which would have fallen right off of Reese. So us parents with smaller kids went and bought black shorts for them to wear. NOPE can't play.... That's really ok with Reese since he was really intimidated by everything that was happening that day.

Then I had a hundred errands to run....

Then we took Reese up to my mom's in Hayward for the night so we can go out and have dinner with Kelly for her birthday. Haven't had Spaghetti Factory in a long time. It was really yummy. Of course I had a mud pie for dessert.... mostly on my own. Chris had to roll me out of the restaurant afterwards. lol.

Sunday we had a Childbirth Preparation class at Kaiser. The new Kaiser facility. It was enlightening to say the least. I learned a lot of new things that I didn't experience before or seen on TV. I was the only one in the room who's ever gone through a childbirth previously. Chris learned a lot too. He now knows what to expect when we go into labor. I'm hoping I have the same labor that I had with Reese. Which was hardly any! My water broke (leaked) I went into the hospital and we waited for the contractions to come and it never did. They gave me Petocin and then drugs. A few hours later Reese came out.

That was almost 6 years ago....

I can't believe that I'm going to go through the diaper years again!!

It's ok... because we're finally going to have our girl!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

28 Weeks

We are at about 6 months pregnant so far.

I've gained 22lbs. as of today.

I gained a total of 21lbs at 40 weeks with Reese.

Not that I'm complaining. I actually feel a lot more healthy this time around than last. Reese is a healthy and happy kid so I'm not worried. We heard Bailey's heart beating today also. My next thing is I have to take the glucose test for diabetes. NOT looking forward to that at all.

When the weather gets better I really have to go for walks.

Or something. lol

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Call off the dogs

I found my camera!!

It was in my scrapbooking bag. In the folds where I would never put it. It must have fallen in there when I tried to throw it back in my purse on Saturday.


Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday still sucks

Today as I get out of my car this morning I discovered that my camera wasn't in my purse. wtf? I know I had it Saturday because I was showing Robyn and Kelly pictures that were in the camera. Last night I was at the SCV Spaghetti dinner, left my purse in another room in the busy bingo hall.... 4 hours later when it was all over I went back into the room to retreive everything... never bothered to look. I knew that my keys and my wallet were in my purse.


I called Jeff to see if he can locate it. I thought maybe it fell out. No such luck. Dammit. There were 175 pictures on that stick. I haven't even had that camera that long.

I still have to check the apartment and the car. Maybe, hopefully, it's in there.

It would really suck it someone took it.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

25 Weeks

Ok, it's been crazy busy here at work. Which is fine, makes my days go by much faster. Although I do have to say... what the heck was I doing before that kept me busy? lol.

Baby is doing good. She's very active, especially when I'm trying to relax. Chris talks to her as often as he can. He talks to my belly and she moves around in there when she hears him. I think it's adorable.

Last weekend I went and visited an old friend who moved to Woodland, CA. It's way out there on the way to Redding. Not too bad of a drive except that I should have known to take a different route home. Oh well, I'm here now. Anywho, my friend has 2 daughters and a son. Plus with Reese, that's 4 kids. We took them to the local hang out .... McDonald's! They have a huge playland that the kids can just run amok.
The little one, Morgan, is ADORABLE. I wanted to snatch her up and take her home. Reese liked her too (only because she had toys that he's never seen. She's got a whole Pottery Barn kids thing going on in there.

In other news...

Chris and I did our taxes last week. We e-filed it so our $$$$ should hit the bank within the next few days or so. Woo hoO!! Baby furniture store here we come!!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

22 Weeks

It's been a while since I wrote something in here.

Work has been crazy since Suzanne has been gone so I haven't really had the time to look around on the internet much. Which is a good thing since my day goes by so much faster like that.


Last week I felt like I was crippled by back pain. I've had the same pain for a year and it's only gotten worse. I think being pregnant and putting on weight probably isn't helping. My company's insurance does not cover chiropractic care. That and I have never been a believer in going to get 'adjusted' and suddenly feel better. Anyone can adjust you. My kid can walk on my back a few laps and my back will crack eventually.

I've been complaining of the same back pain to people off and on lately because I'm not walking normal and I sound like I'm 80 when I get up off my chair or sit back down. Pete (the owner of my company) came in and told me to go ahead and schedule an appointment at his chiropractor's office. (He pays for everyone's visits when they go) I'm in too much pain constantly to refuse that. I had an appointment the next day. I think I was just afraid that they would have to take an x-ray and that's not good for baby.

Doctor Hoffman turns out to be a chiropractor specializing in pediatrics and prenatal care. woo hoo for me! She took measurements of my legs since my pain was more concentrated on the lower lombar region in the left hip area. The first discover is that my left hip sits higher than my right by a little less than one inch. That resulted in my bottom 2 vertibre tilting to the left to make up for the height when I am standing or walking. Everytime I am standing or walking or putting weight on my left leg, the 2 vertibre pinches the main nerve line that runs down my left leg.

THAT explains everything.

She pushes and shoves and did an ultrasound therapy and rubbed my butt. Not the good relaxing kind of rubbing either. Then she turned on the table and it stretched out my legs. Slowly the pain begins to go away. The last thing she did was she laid me on my right side. Worked out the knot that's been there for months. She then took my left knee under her right arm, pushed my left hip out with her left hand and separated my back from my leg by a huge CRACK!

It was instant relief. If I can do that myself or have Chris do it for me. I'd be in heaven everyday.

I walked out of her office with no pain. A little numb in the area from all the rubbing and heat therapy. But no more pain. It was like a miracle. I walked in there crooked to one side and then walked out straightened and pain-free. Unfortunately I do have to keep going back to her because my hip will fall back to that position if I don't keep getting adjusted. I guess that's just how they make their money. I really don't want to say that I need a chiropractor, but hopefully it wil eventually be worked out and gone forever. Or so she says anyway. She also said that being pregnant and putting the alignment out of whack also has something to do with it. So maybe when Bailey's born, I'll be able to walk normal and keep it normal.

In other news.....

Reese has been signed up for spring soccer in Campbell. Games begin March 11 through June 11. He's going to practice twice a week after school. Chris and I are going to do our best getting him into it and hopefully keep him interested. I think at this point he's thinking that it's running around kicking a ball with some friends. Maybe it is at his age. I don't know what to expect yet. The guy registering him in said that they have really good, dedicated coaches and team parents that they won't let things get out of hand since Reese is being put into the bigger age-group due to his birthday landing on the cut-off date. It sucks because he will literally be the youngest one in the team, no matter which team. He can't play in the under 6 group, he will have to play in the under 8 group. We'll find out if he will be able to stick with it. I just know that he will get at little beat up by the older kids. But I'm being a mom.... and I don't want him to get beat up like that. I'll take those kids down myself!

Well I can't think of anything else to write right now...except the fact that I'm getting really big. It's ok. My husband loves me and both boys are already CRAZY about this baby.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Bailey

So Friday night I had dinner with some girlfriends at a trendy restaurant in Santana Row. Katie, Karen and Aparjot. We're planning for Katie's bridal shower coming up in March and just wanted to get together for dinner, just the girls.

I don't know the other two girls but I know Katie pretty well. We talked about random stuff at dinner as if we all have known each other for years. Gotta love that about girls.

Katie brought up the fact that things that have happened with me so far has been exactly as planned and that just DOESN'T happen with anyone else. It reminded me of how lucky we have been so far. Hopefully, keeping fingers crossed, everything will go as planned in the future as well. First we planned to be married in October... we were. We planned to be pregnant by November.... we were. We hope and pray that this baby is a girl... it is. Now we just hope and pray some more that she is a healthy happy girl!

Speaking of Bailey....

Chris and I realized that her birthday according to the doctor is June 16, 2006. That would make it 6/16/06.... and if she's born 10 days early like her brother did... the date would be


ARGGHHH! Devil Child!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

20 Weeks

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound done.

It's the half way point of our pregnancy.

I'm getting bigger every day. This baby is very active!!

On the ultrasound screen there was no doubt that this baby is a girl. Chris saw everything while the ultrasound technician was taking measurements and checking all my insides. The screen was turned away from me while she was wanding my belly. I wish I had seen everything she and Chris were seeing. That's ok. Chris made tons of faces at me and he had an ear to ear smile the whole time.

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!

Pink clothes, pink bedding, pink carseat, pink mommy!!

Reese is probably very happy this baby is a girl. He's now escape my wrath of dressing him in pink!!

Head over Feet

This song by Alanis Morrisette has been on the radio forever. I never thought anything of it until fate brought me to Chris. This song represents everything I feel for him. He is an amazing man and soon he will have the ultimate gift... a daughter.

Head over feet lyrics:
I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it
You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was

You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help itIt's all your faults

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service

You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience
You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long
I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now, I am aware now

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help itIt's all your faults

Monday, January 23, 2006

Monday sucks

Today isn't so bad actually. Could have used a little more sleep, but that's ok. Chris always begs me to go to bed earlier and I just can't for some reason. I would like to, but I'm just not tired before 10pm. I'm sure this baby will kick my ass soon though. I'll be whining for some sleep before I know it.

Today I'm here at work by myself pretty much. Princess in the other room doesn't count. The boss just stepped out to grab lunch, who knows when he'll be back. Big B left because she's sick. Thank god, I don't want to catch anything she's got right now. Reese doesn't have school today, so he's at the babysitter all day. I brought my lunch, so it looks like I'm buried in bullshit here all day in peace. Wish I can have more days like this.

Princess = Girl who doesn't think before she speaks. She sits in the other room pretending like she knows everything and isn't afraid to tell you she knows everything. Grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and HAS to have new things at all times. She tries really hard to fit in, but just doesn't. Everyone knows someone like her.

The other day, she offered John (guy helping me answer the phones) if he wanted something from Starbucks. She was making a run over there. I hadn't had my coffee yet (I drink decaf people, calm down) so I poked my head out and stopped her at the door. "Hey can you get me something?" She goes "Oh my car only has 2 cup holders and Chuck already put in an order". What the fuck? I just heard you offer to pick something up for John, and now you can't pick something up for me? She goes "Oh well I guess if you order a small one I can carry it"

Ok.. you know what... forget it.... it's ok. It's obviously too much trouble for you.

What the heck is that?? She does this shit all the time. It's not like I work with 400 others in here where I can just pick and choose who I want to talk to from day to day. No!! I'm stuck with this. ugh.

Big B = She's the older lady I work with here. Suz and I came up with that name for her. It was 'Crazy Bitch', but we were afraid she would catch on. lol. God we're evil!

Anywho.... I better get back to work. People want their 1099's I suppose.