Let's see....
Chris has been home for a few days and I have been sick as a dog. I caught what this entire family went through the week before... a sinus cold. I'm almost over it though. Thank god.
Now that the Renegades season 2006 is over. Chris and I have contemplated the fact that I should march next year. At first it was inspired by the fact that they might go to Hawaii in 07. But in reality, I really miss being a part of the Renegades. I miss my friends and being there on weekends not worrying about real life issues for that extended period of time.
Does that make me a selfish person?
My kids will need
Here's to one more year.
In the mean time....
Monday 9/11 I go back to work and Bailey is going into daycare. I really hope this lady works out for us and she can stay with her for a good long time. I hate having to switch daycares and having baby adapt to someone new all the time.
Reese is taking the school bus in the morning now. He is ecstatic about it. I walked him to the bus stop this morning for the first time ever. He said to me in a whisper voice 'you can go mom, I'm ok' .... When did he become such a grown up little kid?? I stood there with him until he got on the bus and it rolled away around the corner. Bailey and I came back into the house and in the back of my mind I was 1% thinking that I might not get off the bus at the right school. I don't know why, I should just have more confident in him than that. I didn't want to get that phone call from the school saying "Hi, this is Anderson School, just calling to see why Reese is absent today" when I walked him to the bus stop. It's every mother's nightmare I think.
There was no phone call from the school and he was there when I picked him up. He was so excited about being able to take the bus. Such a big boy! I can't believe he's so grown now. My baby is so grown!! Good thing we have another baby to 'baby'. ha ha.
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