1. The kind that comes over whenever asking random questions thinking that they are welcomed and/or thinking that they are your friend. This particular neighbor moved back into our neighborhood after about 2 years of hiatus. He saw me getting out of my car and thought he'd rekindle whatever friendship we had. What a joke. He's broke, no job, no money, no manners. Since I'm too nice to tell him to fuck off when he comes over to use the phone, he keeps coming back. Finally I had to use my unspoken language of 'You're bugging the shit out of me, please leave us alone'. I think he got the hint since we haven't seen him in a few days.
It wouldn't bother me so much if he would just use the phone and get out. But no.... he dials 1o different numbers, hang out in our hall way knowing that we have a newborn, talk excessively to whomever about whatever for however long. RUDE! Then he asks for a ride somewhere. What do you think dude? No, I'm not giving you a ride, I got 2 kids and one of which is an infant. And no, you can not borrow my car. Take the bus. Wouldn't you know it, he asks for bus money.
2. The kind that comes to introduce themselves and let us know they have a new baby also and would love to get together someday. How nice! These are the people upstairs. We hadn't met them until this day. It was 100 degrees out and they were going somewhere else to cool off for the day with the baby.
3. The neighbor that houses 6 roommates in one apartment and constantly have 20 of their friends over to smoke out in the backyard. Their TV is on at all hours of the night and there are constantly people sitting outside their front steps smoking.
4. The neighbor who have no idea what their bounderies are and spread their shit whereever they please.
This morning... ok around noon time today I go out to get the mail and wouldn't you know it, there's a strange car parked in our driveway. I knock on the neighbor's door to see if it's theirs. No one is home. I call the landlord, he told me to just have it towed. We work on that until I noticed that someone is home across the walkway. I go over there and wa-la! It's their car. I said I called a tow truck since it's my driveway you're parked in. They crumbled up my note and threw it in our driveway. Thanks jackasses. If you want to park in our driveway, pay part of our rent.
5. Our maintenance guy who lives upstairs. Single guy, lives with his son, has no furniture but a ton of work out equipment in the living room and a tv. Nicest guy though. His son decided to have a mosh pit in his room one day with the music so loud I could sing along while it was coming through the ceiling. oy!
Neighbor rant
The day I lost my clutch...
One day last week I went to Milpitas to pick up Reese's birthday present. A bicycle. Him and sister were at my mother in law's while I was running errands. I was exiting 280 at Saratoga when I went to down shift and my clutch pedal disappeared into the floor board. OK... time to FREAK OUT! I managed to coast up the ramp and through the green light to the Velero station. My clutch was gone. They have to replace it. $700 later.....
Reese's birthday

Sunday we threw Reese a birthday party. We had about 12 people including kids in our house. Luckily it wasn't 100 degrees. He had a great time! Derek and Ryan Dante were here. It's the one day we allowed Reese to run around be loud and make a big mess. Of course, it was worth it. He got a bunch of clothes and really cool toys. I don't know another kid with as many toys as he has. I really have to stop buying him toys. I can't imagine Bailey having as much stuff. But then again, she has more clothes than we do, so maybe that will be her niche.... clothes!
And then there's the baby that doesn't sleep!
Bailey stays up all day!! I don't know how she's not tired. Maybe she is, she just likes to fight with it. Every kid has their querks I guess.
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