Though I am happy to be back at work. Trying to shake this guilty feeling of leaving Bailey with someone else and having to go to work full time. We can't really afford for me not to though. We just have to accept the fact that she is in good hands and they love her where ever she goes. We have selected a very good in-home daycare provider for her. Not to mention she is CHEAP! Only $190/week for an infant. That's ridiculously cheap. It goes down as she gets older so we're good to go for now. Gladys is awesome though,

Meanwhile, Bailey is growing like a weed. She's talking in her little baby language and making facial expressions along with it. She's trying to roll over but not very successful right now. She knows how to manipulate her way around us. Isn't that normal for little girls? Anyway.... talk about having her daddy wrapped around her little finger. This one has him figured out from day one.
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