Baby is doing good. She's very active, especially when I'm trying to relax. Chris talks to her as often as he can. He talks to my belly and she moves around in there when she hears him. I think it's adorable.

Last weekend I went and visited an old friend who moved to Woodland, CA. It's way out there on the way to Redding. Not too bad of a drive except that I should have known to take a different route home. Oh well, I'm here now. Anywho, my friend has 2 daughters and a son. Plus with Reese, that's 4 kids. We took them to the local hang out .... McDonald's! They have a huge playland that the kids can just run amok.
The little one, Morgan, is ADORABLE. I wanted to snatch her up and take her home. Reese liked her too (only because she had toys that he's never seen. She's got a whole Pottery Barn kids thing going on in there.
In other news...
Chris and I did our taxes last week. We e-filed it so our $$$$ should hit the bank within the next few days or so. Woo hoO!! Baby furniture store here we come!!
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