Let me explain....
Chris and I started out this weekend not nearly as chaotic as the past few years eventhough we both waited til the last minute to shop. We planned our shopping trips out pretty well considering we're out one car and towing 2 kids.
We split up our shopping list in thirds and he got the 'difficult' 1/3 since they are mostly his family members anyway. The 2/3 I shopped for in about 2 days... make that evenings. Stores stay open later during the holidays just for consumers like us to spend our hard earned money and commercialize Christmas even more.
Chris and I had a lengthy conversation about that on the way home from Manteca Saturday night. Whatever happened to the spirit of Christmas. Whatever happened to the religious side of it. Now it's about retail. Do most kids even know that it has something to do with Jesus? To be honest, I didn't even know that until the 9th grade. (moved to the US in the 7th grade)
Looking back to the time before my parents and I moved to the US from Thailand, we never celebrated Christmas. We're buddhists. We lived in a land where New Years were more important because it signifies years past and another year of prosperity and newness to come. Most Asian cultures make a big deal of New Years than any other holidays. i.e. Chinese New Year for example.
Anyway.... back to our family...

Reese decided he wanted to stay up for Santa to make sure that he brought him his Heelies he wanted. He didn't make it that far when he fell asleep.
We made sure it was the very last thing he opened. He put them on right away and headed outside. Too bad he doesn't quite know how to 'ride' them yet.
Other than those, he got plenty of toys and things to keep his mind occupied for the next 3 months or so. Thank goodness I asked for him to get a winter coat for school. I'm going to plaster his name all over it and chain it to his waist so he doesn't lose it at school.

Baby girl got a ton of clothes, toys, and an airplane. No, I'm not kidding, she got a ride-along airplane. Too bad she can't sit up or stand up yet. She'd really enjoy the thing. Maybe in a few months she'll realize that it's fun.
She also got a few other random toys and things to keep her occupied for a while. There's a doll that she got that's really sensitive to the touch. Every time she touches it, it speaks or sings. She squeezes it a lot, and it says 'hug me!' over and over. Chris finally said 'what do you think she's doing??' lol.
Bailey also got her 2 front teeth for Christmas. They cut through her gums on Christmas eve. Nevertheless... it was unbarable to be with her the last few days. Thank God for big brother who can make her laugh at the drop of a hat. I honestly don't remember Reese's teething experience to be this bad. It probably was, I just blocked it out of my mind.
Anyway.... I am sitting at work so I guess I should get some work done today.
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