Wednesday, November 21, 2007

One Bad Day

I was in a fender bender yesterday. I rear-ended an SUV and did some damage to my car. It's not drivable at all so we'll see if it's worth fixing. The SUV I hit had practically no damage.

We were on our way to pick up Reese from school (Bailey and I). From San Tomas turning right onto Williams where there's usually no cars. Well... this time there were cars backed up to the intersection of San Tomas and Williams. Bailey was screaming for me to take her cup so I turned to get it. And right then was when I hit the SUV.

No one got hurt. Bailey had a cut on her lip from the cup jamming into her face. My neck and back are sore, but I am ok. This was my first accident EVER... so I'm still shaken up by it.

Needless to say, other than not having a car, I won't be driving for a while.

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