Monday, May 28, 2007

The best toys aren't toys at all...

A list of some of Bailey's "toys"

The blind string.
Because when she pulls on it and lets it go, the blinds hit the window sill and makes this crashing sound that's so entertaining to an 11 month old.

Mommy's shoes.
Because she leaves them laying by the front door and if she puts them on, it means she's leaving. So I will take them and hide them in random places around the house.

The cooking utincils.
When you bang them against anything, they make NOISE!

Mommy's wallet.
There's treasures and things I'm not supposed to play with in there.

Open, close, open, close, open, close... what could be more fun!

Plastic bags from anywhere.
I take them away... that's what motivates her to get them back.

At the risk of poking the roof of my mouth, I still like to run around with it.

My boxes of craft tools.
Because mommy keep saying no and they look like so much fun!

She also bangs on our computer keyboards, tv screen, and remote controls are apparently her new bestfriends.

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