Wednesday, February 28, 2007

90 Questions

I love these, can't you tell?? This one is from Lolita, the FBI agent.

90. First off, what is your name?

89. What did you do last night?
Took the kids to the mall in search of a red shirt for Chris

88. Do you have a same sex best friend that you can talk to 24/7?

87. Do you have any siblings?
None from my mom and dad. However I have 4 half siblings

86. Where are you exactly?
On our couch

85. Favorite color(s)?
Pink (love pink/brown combo)

84. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say?
lol (from Chris)

83. Who sits beside you in you favorite class?
Not currently attending school

82. Who sits to the left?
Bailey's new teddy bear, Beary

81. Where is your dad right now?
Watching over me.

80. Do you have any kids?
Yes, 2

79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
Lisa Johnson

78. Closest black object?
The remote

77. Closest silver object?
The other remote

76. Have you ever jumped a fence for any reason?

75. Sing in the shower?

74. Do you own any pets?

73. How does your hair look right now?
Pulled back and greasy

72. Last time you listened to country music?
I hear it on someone else's radio at work

71. ?

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
Too many names to mention.... ha ha

69. What are your fears?
Not being able to provide for my children. Health scares. Growing old.

68. What do you hear right now?
My husband babbling about poker

67. How many drugs are in ur system right now?
Tylenol cold and sinus

66. What is the profit ratio for Macy's 2006 statement?
Hm... I would know this if I was still in school.

65. What are you wearing?
Pink stripe shirt, blue plaid pajama pants, white socks

64. When was the last time you pretended to be an animal?
When I was reading a zoo animal book to Bailey earlier today

63. Do you sing?
In the car, yeah

62. Screamo or Country?
What the hell is Screamo?

61. Rock or Rap?

60. Chocolate or vanilla?

59. Who did you last call?
The boss

58. Who last called you?
My husband

57. What jewelry do you wear daily?
My earrings, my wedding band/engagement ring

56. What are you doing now?
This survey, watch TV

55. Who was the last person you said I love you too?
My husband

54. Would you die for someone?

53. If so, who?
Chris and our kids

52. Are you cold right now?

51. What do you smell right now?
Nothing, I have a cold.

50. Do you have to pee right now?

49. What did you dream about last night?
Not sure. I was up with Bailey 3-4 times last night.

48. What are you doing tomorrow?

47. If an ex wanted you back, what would you say?
ha ha.

>> I have no idea what happened to questions 45 & 46

44. Bedsheet color?

42. Carpet or wood in your room?

41. Bad rumor about yourself that you've heard?
Too many to mention. People talk out of their asses

38. Can you do a cartwheel?

37.What's your favorite candle scent?

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Heck no

35. America or Canada?

34. What makes you mad?
Today? People who power trip. There are others I'm too tired to mention

33. What if you found out you were adopted?
It'd be kinda weird, but it would explain a lot

32. Jeans or Sweatpants?

29. Do you have socks on?
Yeah - Hanes

28. Do you own any big sunglasses?

27. Have you ever cried so hard you puked?

26. Last concert you attended?
Saw Garbage at the Fillmore

25. Last vacation you went on?
Pacific Grove for our 1 year anniversary

24. Have you ever gone streaking?

23. Have you skinny dipped?

22. Person who posted this before you?

21. Anything bothering you right now?

20. Miss anyone?
Yes, my dad

19. Favorite TV show?
Too many to mention

18. Do you like 80s movies?

17. Are you scared of the dark?

16. Last two numbers in your cell phone number?
Chris's cell & Marcia

15. What kinda music do you like?
Pop, anything I can sing to

14. Are you a crazy stalker?

13. Best city you've visited?
New Orleans

12. Been to London?

10. Favorite subject at school?
Trend Analysis & Textiles <-- 2 different classes

9. Been to college?

7. Favorite time of day?

6. Ever licked someones cheek?
Yes, I'm about to lick my husband's sleeping face

5. Watch all Spiderman movies?
Just the first one

4. What's on your TV right now?

3. What are you looking forward to?
Cleaning up and getting in bed

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?
No - that would be freaky

1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep?
Apparently I talk sometimes

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