Friday, July 20, 2007

Something to say

I have none now that I'm sitting here trying to compose something. While I'm driving and can't write, however... I can think of a million things.

Let's see... what's been going on.

Bailey is 13 months old going on about 2 years old. She's got all kinds of spunk and personality. What a little sponge she really is too. You tell her someting once and she has it engraved in her brain forever. Although she still doesn't sleep through the night. That's about the only thing she's got going on that I just wish would change already.

Also, she's been on her feet walking and running since she was 10 months old.

Reese is having a good summer so far. We sent him to summer school, which took place at Anderson Elementary. It's already over, just 4 weeks long. This weekend he left with our next door neighbor and their kids to go camping. He called last night and the first thing he said was "Mom, we are in the woods! There's a lake here but I can't see it." I'm sure he's having all kinds of fun.

My mom is moving in with us July 31st. Which is also Reese's 7th birthday.

She is driving me insane and she's not even living here yet. Her listening skills just aren't there and it just frustrates me very much. I can't understand how someone can be so inconsiderate and not realize it.

Chris' mom is moving also. She is finally going to be in her own home with an empty nest. I know she is really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to seeing her happy, but a little far from us. It's ok, we will still see her often.

My life at work has been a lot of the same. I am unhappy with the environment, but I am happy with the job itself.


Next post will be Renegades related and some pictures.

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