Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life's little disappointments

Today I got to work... late as usual. But I am there and happy to be there.

Today I also came to a realization that there are people out there who take others for granted. I used to look forward to coming in to work. Working with a good boss, nice people, and one of my bestest friends. It's only been in the recent months that I have been feeling like I have to drag my feet in the mud to walk into the office. I really don't want to be talked at, starred at, and pick up someone else's slack all the time.

I am disappointed and I am taking it personally. It was my job after all that isn't getting done.

It's not that I *have* to pick up the slack. In fact, I probably shouldn't.. that way others will see I am too busy with my own stuff to take on someone else's job.

However... all of the above is only about 20% of what pisses me off day to day. It's the attitude... the non-stop chatter... the refusal to take on new tasks ... the dress as you please days (my favorite is the black too-small camisole top) ... the 7 times a day 15 minute smoke breaks PLUS one hour lunch everyday ... the cell phone conversation inside the office after the boss leaves ... the phone ettiquette, or lack there of ... oh and there's so much more.

And for the cherry on top... today there was a message on the voicemail letting us know of the absence providing no reason whatsoever... that was left last night at 10pm. <-- sidebar: this is not the first time, it's probably the 4th or 5th time.

Tomorrow ... hopefully will be a better day. Hopefully with one less.

I am a raging bitch about this. Maybe I'm just a little more dedicated than some. I feel my job is not to be taken for granted and it's been a priveledge to be employed there.

Maybe it's just me.

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