Friday, December 15, 2006


I just realized that my life is dictated by lists...

List of things to do at home... vacuum (every other day now that the baby is crawling), dishes, laundry (never ending project it seems), clean the bathrooms - didn't I JUST clean the bathrooms? That's what I get for living with boys.

Shopping list (Christmas) - What day is it today? Geez.... I'm cutting it close!

Shopping list (grocery store) - No matter how complete my grocery list is... I'm bound to forget ONE thing or two.

The 8-5 t0 do list at work... this is what keeps me employed...

There's a notebook that I keep at work of my week to week 'stuff' there. Each week gets 2 pages, I write down things I didn't finish from last week that still need done with check boxes on the left of it. I write phone conversations and messages on the lines following the to do list. Any post-it notes from co-workers go in there so they don't clutter up my space. Things get put in piles by priority on my desk so I get to them accordingly. When you look at my work space, it doesn't seem like I'm too terribly busy because it's never a mess of stuff everywhere and I'm never stressed out. Only if people knew what the heck I have going on in my little book. I guess you can call it a diary but I don't write in it after the fact.

I don't have an in-box because I don't think it serves me a purpose in life. Anything that comes 'in' needs attention obviously so I get to it. If I can't do it right that minute, it will be done in a little while.

I don't do the same job I did for 5 and a half years before I left on maternity leave. Well, I'm only supposed to do it once a week. And that's payroll day. But it's worked out that I'm doing what ever I can to help out the front side of the office and still doing my new job efficiently.

I love it, I really do.

That only means that I am the only person in the office who can do project admin., payroll, a/p, and general admin stuff up front. Not to mention I'm getting to do estimating too, which isn't all that difficult. I just have to keep doing it so I can get to know vendors and their prices and learn how to negotiate. I have a feeling that my counterpart likes to feel more important than she really is and not giving me all the information I need to do my job. That's ok, I'm smart enough to know what she's hiding. You can't keep things under wraps for long with me sitting next to you... even if your monitor is faced away from me.

And then there's the list of personal goals.

List of places Chris and I will eventually visit in our lifetime together.

List of things we want our kids to acheive at certain ages.

List of things to do before I crawl into bed tonight.......

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