Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's year two thousand what?

Ok so I have no idea where this year flew off to.

Last year I wrote a year end wrap up of events and sent it out to friends and family before Jan. 1. and it seems like I JUST DID THAT! Now it's time to write another one? I don't even remember what happened yesterday!

I didn't keep a very good calendar of events this year so I will just omit the letter. We did send out a family photo card. That's pretty good, right?

It's December 13 and I have one gift so far. Not good. I guess it's shopping marathon coming up this week and next. It's ok, it's not like I've never done that before.

We do have to get a tree sometime this week though, given that I'm throwing a little party this weekend. Oh yeah, how about some cleaning too! That might be good huh? I really want to decorate so it'll be good.
Little B is almost 6 months old. She has her check up appointment this Friday... shots and all. She's eating a lot and sleeping longer every night. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how tall she is now.

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