Saturday, September 02, 2006

Day 3 - 7:38pm

Today I went over to Chris's mom's to hang out with her and sort of take my mind off the Renegades and Chris for a few hours. I did talk to him on the phone before I left. They are sitting around waiting for the show to start. It's raining and very windy in NY right now. They got a few hours of rehearsal in today, but not enough to make a difference.

They performed at 8:58pm NY time and are sitting in 7th place right now. It's exactly what they had predicted earlier in the year. At least the made finals ... for all the drama they went through this year.

I tell you though. I can't sit around at home another year waiting for phone calls and scores and pictures anymore. I know my kids need me, but there are other reasons for 'me' that I have considered. I really want to march next year. Maybe... HUGE maybe... just maybe. We'll see.

Not to mention that I MISS CHRIS! Jesus Canoli.... I can't believe that I am this attached to the man. It feels like I'm missing a limb when he's gone. I need him... I am losing sleep because he's not in bed with me when I turn over to cuddle. Although the last couple nights I allowed Reese to sleep in the bed with me. It's just not the same when you have a wiggly kid sticking his feet and elbows in your rib cage rather then a cuddly husband who cuddles you back.

Bailey is still a little congested but not as bad as yesterday. She did sleep good last night, woke up only once and went right back to sleep with a little 4oz bottle. I know.... 4oz is normal for a 6 month old. No.. this girl is a porker. Her 'normal' bottle is now 6oz at max. I kid you not. My mother in law mentioned today that she looks like she's got a little bruise on her leg... Oh no, wait a minute, that's a dimple from her chunks. Her arms are starting to have rolls. Be afraid, be very afraid. My mother told me that I was a fat kid growing up until about 1st grade so I really have nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile.... Reese is 6 years old and weighs in at 43lbs. First of all, he's never going to get out of his booster seat or be able to sit in the front seat of the car... until he's in like Jr. High. The law (for now) is 6 years old AND 60lbs. AND 4 foot 9 inches tall. I hear that it's going to change to 8 years old AND 80lbs. and height the same. WTF is that?? I know adults who will need a booster seat!

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