Thursday, November 29, 2007

Guess who has pigtails???

Well it took us a good half hour of wrestling and struggle with Bailey to get 2 rubberbands in her hair. We took these pictures real quick because a minute later, she pulled them off.
Watching TV
View from the top

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

First of all... I never liked this holiday. I didn't grow up with it, so when we moved here, it was thrown at me as a major American holiday. I didn't understand its history and they why's or what it was about until recently. Even then, I still don't appreciate it fully.

This year is a little different than any other year.

My dad has been gone for 2 years now and my mom moved to Florida. It just dawned on me that 2007, I'm officially parent-less for the holidays.

Well... I am a parent of 2 kids now. So it's my turn to make every holiday more special than the last one for them. My parents never really did that for me so I want our kids to appreciate everything they have.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

One Bad Day

I was in a fender bender yesterday. I rear-ended an SUV and did some damage to my car. It's not drivable at all so we'll see if it's worth fixing. The SUV I hit had practically no damage.

We were on our way to pick up Reese from school (Bailey and I). From San Tomas turning right onto Williams where there's usually no cars. Well... this time there were cars backed up to the intersection of San Tomas and Williams. Bailey was screaming for me to take her cup so I turned to get it. And right then was when I hit the SUV.

No one got hurt. Bailey had a cut on her lip from the cup jamming into her face. My neck and back are sore, but I am ok. This was my first accident EVER... so I'm still shaken up by it.

Needless to say, other than not having a car, I won't be driving for a while.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Daily Grind

I haven't really talked about life at work on here at all.

Things are good on my little corner of the office. I am thankful for everything I have there and how much people really do appreciate my contributions to the company. Recently it was time for our annual raises, of which I was very nicely compensated. There is still everyday drama. The drama that seems to only come from one person.

My Mondays aren't dreadful and Fridays usually come too soon.

So overall, things are pretty good. We'll see what this coming year brings me. More new things and bigger accomplishments probably.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Restaurant no-more

Yesterday Chris and I met a friend at the Red Robin in Rivermark. This came after we met with a potential new daycare provider for Bailey. Not that that made any difference but keep in mind that by the time we went to Red Robin, it was 7pm. It's late for our family to have dinner by now and it's approaching Bailey's bedtime.

We get our seat. The waiter brought us drinks. And right then, it was over.

Bailey wanted to play with my glass of coke, the ice in it was her ultimate goal. The straw was in the way so she threw it out of my reach. Not to mention she didn't like the booster seat they gave her. She took a piece of ice then realized it's been soaking in Coke. So now she wants to drink my drink. I took it away from her and she threw a tantrum.

Chris took her outside to distract her while I place our orders.

They came back inside when we got the chicken wings. Of course she wanted some of those. I gave her a celery stick dipped in ranch. mmmmmm... that kept her for a while, but damn, that coke is still sitting there calling her name.

She tried to climb on the table to get to the coke or anything else she's not supposed to touch. The second I'd say no, she screamed.

Finally, I ate my burger in 2.5 seconds flat... grabbed our stuff and took her outside. Chris stayed behind and ate his food with Reese.

In the meantime, Reese just sat there watching the tv show I downloaded on my iPod the entire time without a peep. I couldn't help to think that he was just like Bailey at one point in his life and it was over before I knew it. I have to keep that in mind and repeat to myself - Someday we will be able to eat in a restaurant again - over and over.

On a different note: PROJECT RUNWAY is back on! Season 4 baby!!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Uh.... really??

This morning I strolled into my Starbucks just like I do everyday for my daily iced mocha.

I stand in line as the person infront of me place her order. The cashier told her what the total of her purchase was $4 something.

The girl hands her a $100 bill.

Starbucks girl: Um... Do you have something smaller than that?
Customer girl: No.
Starbucks girl: Well... I can't break that. We put all the $20's into a safe when we get them. We're not supposed to take anything bigger than a $20.
Customer girl: Get a key and open it
Starbucks girl: The person with the key isn't here right now. I can't break your $100. Do you have anything smaller?
Customer girl: No. Well, then my coffee is free, isn't it.

Starbucks girl just stood there, didn't know what the heck to do.

Customer girl put her $100 away, walked around to the end of the bar and grabbed her Latte and left.

Another customer behind me said outloud so she could hear "Well that's one way to get free coffee"

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Of course Jeff P took all the pictures last night when we went trick or treating with the kids.

The 2 boys, Reese and Derek would go up to 3 houses by the time she gets to 1. She would stand there and talk to people and ask for 'cookie'. Because everything that comes in individual packages are cookies to her. The boys would take off to the next house and she'd barely make it down the the door steps by the time they get to the second or third houses. It's ok she's only a toddler.. those guys are expert trick or treaters now.

At one point in time she had a sucker in her hand with the wrapper off. For about 10 minutes she was sucking on it and then it disappeared. Oh yeah, it's on the back of her head stuck to her hair.

I guess I have to expect that on Halloween night.

Will post pictures later. Here's one of her in her costume.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Get in, lock the door, and stay home for a while

Have you ever had one of those days that just continue to get worse as the day goes on??

Yesterday was that day for me and Chris. Thank goodness the kids were with his mom. Let me try to recall the day I would rather forget.

3:00am - At least I thought it was 3am. The house phone rings. Are you kidding?? Who the hell is calling us at these hours. I barely opened my eyes and figured if they really need to talk to us, they can call my cell phone which is sitting next to me.

4:30am - The house phone rings again. And again, I ignore it. Chris is sound asleep, he heard the phone but didn't bother to open his eyes. The baby twitched a little but it didn't wake her up.

8:00am - We finally get up and get going for the day by this time. I took a look at the caller ID and it says City of Santa Clara. Hmm... my first thought was that my office's alarm was going off last night and they tried to call everyone on the list until someone answers. One of the stray cats in the yard probably tripped the alarm.

8:30am - Chris goes off to rehersal at Independence and I was going to do a little laundry, jump in the shower and we'd go drop the kids off with his mom around lunch time in Pleasanton.

I put my 6 quarters in the washer and they are stuck. No laundry for us today.

9:30am - I'm talking to LLMM on the phone and the other line beeps. I looked at the ID and it said Bad Boys Bail Bonds.

.... ok WTF

I jumped off the phone with LLMM and jumped on the other line. A family member had been arrested and now needed to be bailed out. I called Chris, he's freaking out. No one else is answering their phones today apparently. Chris left rehearsal early to go take care of the situation and he eventually came home with no answers.

Side note: Did I mention it's our 2nd wedding anniversary weekend and we're pawning the kids to Chris' mom and going to enjoy a ridiculously expensive but worth every penny dinner at Benihana's tonight?

Several phone calls later things are still in shambles and we leave for Concord as planned for today. We get to Pleasanton where we meet Chris' mom half way (she lives in Manteca now and we're on our way to Concord). She pulls up as Chris and I are composing what to tell her about this particular family member who's still sitting in custody IF she doesn't already know.

..... and she had no idea. We made some phone calls to people Chris and I didn't have numbers to and finds out that things are now semi-ok and the family member is now free. This person has a lot of explaining to do. Especially to Chris' mom.

She takes the kids regardless of how she's feeling. She didn't have to but she wanted to. The need for pleasant distraction of having a 7 year old and a 16 month old in your care for a day.

Our phones stopped ringing and we're on our way to concord.

3:00pm - We get to DVC and the kids aren't there yet. Apparently there was some issue with the bus and one had to turn around to go back to the school. Chris gets out to go meet the other staff members and I take off to get some snacks and find one particular item that 4 stores in a 1 mile radius didn't have. But oh yeah... 7-11 directly across the street from DVC had it. DUH!

5:30pm - The Indy kids perform their show spectucularly as they should. Too bad it's not under lights. They get great reception from the audience regardless.

Immediately after they performed, Chris and I were leaving to go have our ridiculously delicious yet expensive anniversary dinner at Benihana. As we pulled out of the driveway of DVC parking lot, Chris noticed we came out the 'in' way. It was too late to back out since it would have been up hill and no one was coming or going anyway. We got about 30 feet from the entrance Chris uttered "ah shit". Sirens and lights behind us.

Is that for us?



We pulled over. I'm reading the program from the band show and had to think for a second if we had anything in the car that we should be worried about. Nope we don't.

Chris had all the documentation for the police officer. The only thing he did wrong was coming out of the 'In' way. Oh yeah... and his license is expired.

And for that... the nice police officer asked us to step out of the car and proceeded to search inside and patted him down. He didn't search me but he did ask me if I 'had' anything on me. What does that mean? Illegal substance? Packing a gun, knife, nail file? No I don't have anything. If I did, I wouldn't admit it since you're not going to search me.

Thank GOD we didn't have anything.

By the end of this stupid ordeal... the car gets towed to an impound yard and Chris will have to come back with a good license to get his car out. To concord.

7:00pm - We go back into the band show inside DVC on foot... found our friends... told them what happened and established who's taking us home. That was the easy part. But dammit we're hungry!

We stayed at the show watching a few bands with our friends eating snacks the kids were selling which made us even more hungry for food with substance.

9:00pm - We finally leave the show site with our good friend Harry and Kelly in her car not too far behind us. We made a unanimous decision to eat at Denny's. Benihana vs. Denny's. Well at least we avoided spending an arm and a leg and our first born. We leave the restaurant shortly after we finished our comparable fried food but cheap dinner.

10:30pm - We're still on the road just over the Sunol Grade on 680 and I'm in and out of sleep in the back seat. Suddenly I'm awaken with Harry and Chris discussing the fact that he's stepping on the gas and there's no response.

OMG.... wouldn't you know it. We are OUT OF GAS.

I called Kelly since she's about 5 minutes behind us and she had to pull over to laugh. She stopped to help us get some gas and we were on our way.

We finally get home around 11:00pm.

Get in, lock the door, don't come back out until it's safe to do so.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Old pictures

Yesterday I went to our mailbox to retrieve our mail that's been sitting in there for about a week. Lots of useless ads and some bills and a note card from my mom.

I think it's finally hit her that we're 3000 miles away and she's no longer 'home'. She misses her grandkids pretty badly and I don't blame her. She moved to Florida for good reasons. But she also sacrificed a lot of her past life.

In the envelope she sent there were a bunch of odd dimensioned photos of our us. Me, my mom, my dad, a few of me and my friends from Thailand when we lived there. One of my passport photos my dad took.

There were 2 photos in particular that caught my attention. They were polaroid pictures of me when I was about Bailey's age now. I did a double take and my jaw dropped to the floor. The image infront of me appeared exactly the same as my daughter's now. The thin hair, rolls in the neck, big eyes, unibrow, and that serious 'thinking' look on her face.

But she really does look like her dad to the T.

I will have to scan those photos somehow without damaging them and post on here.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My new hair

Well not new hair. Just new color job. I finally broke down and got highlights.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Her Eyes

Chris says this song reminds him of me and it makes him smile everytime he hears it.

Pat Monahan - HER EYES

She's not afraid; she just likes to use her night light
When she gets paid, true religion gets it all If they fit right.
She's a little bit manic, completely organic
Doesn't panic for the most part.

She's old enough to know, and young enough not to say no
To any chance that she gets for home plate tickets to see the Mets.
Like everybody, she's in over her head, Dreads Feds, Grateful Dead, and doesn't take meds.

She's a Gemini Capricorn Thinks all men are addicted to porn.
I don't agree with her half the time, But, damn I'm glad she's mine.

Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.

She got the kinda strength that every man wishes he had.
She loved Michael Jackson up until he made Bad.
Tells me that she lives about a hundred lives, Scares me to death when she thinks and drives, Says cowboy hats make her look fat, and I'm so glad she's mine.

She doesn't know the word 'impossible'
Don't care where I've been and doesn't care where we're goin' to.
She takes me as I am, and that ain't easy.
She's beautiful. So beautiful.
And sometimes I think she's truly crazy. And I love it.

Her eyes, that's where hope lies.
That's where blue skies Always meet the sunrise.
Her eyes, that's where I go When I go home.

She's not afraidshe just likes to use her night light.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Why why why...

Why can't Bailey sleep?? She kept waking up last night for no reason. Wake up, cry, go back to sleep.... wake up, cry, go back to sleep. I should just give up sleep altogether. UGH!

It's a wonder who I can function during the day anymore. Maybe my body is just so used to it now it really doesn't matter anymore.

So.... it's almost Halloween and Reese still can't figure out what he wants to be this year yet. Maybe he will once I take him to the costume shop. He's got a party at the Y on Thursday, so I should take him soon.

Bailey will be a fluffy pink flamingo

Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok I just figured out how to post videos on here.

Bailey's first steps - This was back in April of 2007

Bouncing Bailey

I can't imagine her being embarrassed by this picture in 15 years, can you?

October 22, 2007

Ok lots of things to update...

Let's see...

Our little precious monkey girl still doesn't sleep through the night. Not on a regular basis. And it's doing a number on my sanity. She can sleep through 4 out of 7 nights a week. That's it. Those nights are usually clumped together. Then she will wake up 3-4 nights in a row. We have already tried all the tricks of the trade. Seriously. Nothing seems to be working. We first blamed it on teeth... then she would leak through her diaper so she wakes up wet and irritated... Her teeth are all in like they should be now... and we switched to nighttime diapers (duh) so she's not waking up soaked anymore.

Yeah... I still hear "... Manna?" at 3am.

That's the other thing. She doesn't say "Mommy" ... I think I heard her call me that once. That's it just one time. When she's really tired and whiny. I want her to say it when she's happy and calling me because she wants to. I guess that will come with time.

Bailey says simple words and understands a lot of things you tell her now. She has total common sense. She will pick out shoes from her shoe basket and they'd be a matching pair. And then she will put them down to try to put them on, always the correct foot in the correct shoe. When we change her diaper, she walks her soiled diaper to the garbage can. Can't open the can, but she will put it on the top of the lid and go about her day.

She's starting to play like a girl. She takes her baby dolls and line them up and tuck them in like she's putting them to bed. I caught her trying to diaper a doll yesterday. It was cute and funny. She did get frustrated because it wouldn't stay on the doll. I guess we'll have to look into investing in a play kitchen or doll house soon.


In other news...

Our good boy Reese has been suspended from school. Today he's not allowed to be at school because he punched another kid in class.

Apperently the kid said something about me that was pretty naughty. So when he got up from his seat, Reese punched him in the ribs.

The principal of the school called me to let me know what happened and that he's suspended. She also told me that she knows Reese pretty well and this is out of his charactor. Reese knows what he did was wrong and he felt horrible about it. On the one hand I can't imagine my kid punching someone like that. On the other hand I'm kinda glad he did what he did and is getting the punishment that is harsh. He knows that being suspended from school is the ultimate worse. That's what the 'bad' kids get.

Hopefully this is the last and only phone call like that I'm going to receive from the principal.

Chris is doing well with his work. So far nothing has changed with his job but you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.

He's also the visual tech guy at Independence High School. My alma mater and Chris marched in the band. No, he didn't attend the school, but Mr. M let him march in the band back in the day. He takes a lot of pride in teaching and those kids are really lucky to have him. Yes he does talk, marching is his passion and he's been eager to teach for a long time.

Speaking of teaching. I've also been helping out a colorguard. My good friend Lolita teaches a little band out in Ceres, CA at Central Valley HS. Brand new school, brand new band. She's also very passionate about what she does and I am proud of what she has accomplished in just a year's time. I am honored to be there with her and to help with her group of kids.

We have big plans for the winter program. It's really too bad that the school is 2 hours away from me and I can't be there all the time. But they are willing to work hard and they really do put their heart and soul into everything they do. Just like Lolita. I think they will do fine.

I am trying to make Christmas cards. Yes Christmas cards. I figured if I start now, I will actually send them out in time for Christmas. We need to go take family pictures for the holidays. Although we have to wait til after Thanksgiving. The baby doesn't look the same from month to month. You laugh, but it's true!!

What else...

Oh yeah... I've decided not to march Renegades. At least not for another few years. It's not fair for the kids that both parents aren't available during the summer weekends. Reese wanted to be in baseball this year and we couldn't put him in because we actually want to be there for his games on Saturdays. It was impossible. The baby will have her own schedule also. We might put her into swim lessons or something. The local YMCA has a lot to offer.

Although I'm not marching anymore, I will continue to be involved with the corps. They are setting up committees so us alumni and other supporters of the corps maybe able to do to help. Without people doing all the hardwork in the background, there wouldn't be a corps on the field. I will do my best to try to help.

I have mentioned this to Chris before, but if there's a hole in June, I might be persuaded to fill it. Don't know until we get there. It's not fair to do that to people who were there all season though. I did it in 2003, that was HARD WORK!! Plus I have mommy brain now anyway. That means you don't remember things as well as you used to before babies. Shut up Kathy. lol.

Here's a little video of Bailey laughing. It's the most perfect sound any parent hears. It's true, ask a parent.

Ok... that's all for today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another year another dollar

Tomorrow is my birthday... again. Why does it seem like I just had a birthday not too long ago?

The weather is getting chilly... leaves are turning autumn colors. Well not really because we live in northern California, but in some areas it really does look like Fall is creeping up on us.

It was so windy the other night that the neighbor's backyard gate was slamming against its post all night. Looks like mother nature can't decide whether to cry or to smile.


Chris and I are doing well. Chris's job is currently going through a blender of change. Not is job perse... his entire building where he works. My job is here... it never changes. I don't mind that at all. So... because of Chris's current position at work... we might come to a major crossroad in life soon. It might take us to eat some real pulled pork bbq on a daily basis.

This comes at a time when I'm excelling at my job finally. Things are going well here and I'm 'needed' in many aspects.

Will update more later.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Appreciating my friends

I wanted to note these thoughts before I forget.

Recently I came to a realization that I really appreciate my friends.

Kelly reminded me that I have a birthday coming up and rearranged her schedule of a busy weekend so we can all have dinner together that night. I hadn't even thought about it. Much less remembered that it's coming up soon. My own mother hasn't called me on my birthday for a few years now. Every now and then I will get a 'make-up' call later in the week. Sidenote: I am her only child... how hard is it to remember?

Suzanne brought some pajamas from her daughter's closet for Bailey. I'm also the first person she tells things at work when there's something going on in her personal life. We confide in one another through the work week just to amuse ourselves because our colleagues are loonies.

I got a message from Tiffany on MySpace today saying she misses me. I really miss her and her picturesque quirkyness too.

Tonight I just found discovered the fact that my good friend Lee has my blog as a 'Blogs of Note' blog on his blog. (how many times can I say the word 'blog' in that sentence?) All I can say is DURRR! I had no idea. Chris says it's been there for months, even a year now. I had no idea I was getting such advertisement. I would have been updating this thing more often for sure.

I talk to Lisamomeesa nearly every single day. She's one person I can tell anything to and she will have something to say that's just as vibrant in personal thoughts or even more opinionated. To me, that's totally not a bad thing. I love her for being exactly that. Colorful.

Jojo keeps things real and me grounded. In life, in thoughts, all around. I can't imagine not having her to confide my random moments to. Having her in my life is like having a big sister I always wanted. Except this one doesn't go through my closet.

My bestest friend in the world Chris. Our anniversary is coming up soon.

What do I get him this year?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Some recent pictures

I will update this blog with a wrap up of our NY trip very soon. Definitely before I forget all the details!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Random Reese Conversation

So coming home from Mars after a long camp weekend a few weeks ago. I had Reese and Derek in the car. It was non-stop chatter. Which was great because I was so tired and they kept me company. Derek is a smart cookie. No lie.

Reese: Mom, why do they call it the "Big Ass halt"
(he's referring to a part in our show during Jazz Police where everyone parks and blows, or spin)
Me: Well that's not a good word to use, it's an adult word so you shouldn't say it. But it's a part of our show that we all know.
Derek: Well, sometimes adults make bad choices.
Me: Yes... yes we do.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Oh Geez

It's been almost a month since I last wrote something in here. How much do I suck?

Our laptop at home has a virus. Neither one of us have the time or energy to take it to Geek Squad or ask someone techy. Bleh. To post at work (like I'm doing right now) is pretty much impossible. I can't stop long enough to think about personal stuff anymore here. Too many tasks too many responsibilities. Which is okay. I love being busy here, I like feeling wanted, needed by these guys.

We leave for DCA Championship week in Rochester, NY with the Renegades next week. Wednesday night to be exact. I can't believe it's here already. This season just FLEW by. I guess that's what happens when you have a good time with friends and not stress out. 2005 was not a good year for me personally... I was way stressed and couldn't wait for it to all be over.

Bailey is getting smarter by the day. She sits and reads a book with us at night. We sing to her and she makes hand motions. She points to the fridge and says 'melk? melk?' when she watns milk. She takes her dirty diaper to the garbage herself. The kitchen sink is now too small for her to bathe in. I'm kinda sad about that really. She's grown so much right before our eyes.
She found her belly button recently.

The only thing that annoys me is that she doesn't have a sleep pattern. We spoil her in that department because we dont' have a set bedtime ourselves. She winds down when she feels tired enough. We don't put her in her crib and let her cry like they advise you to do in those parenting magazines. Chris and I rock her to sleep and it works most nights. Last night though, she fell asleep too early, around 8pm. She woke up at midnight when WE were trying to go to bed. I picked her up out of the crib, she wanted to play. I swear she walked around in the dark living room for an hour while I nodded in and out of sleep. She finally came to me and laid on my chest and fell asleep. Girl! I can't do this all the time!

Ok 2 things that annoys me. Bailey doesn't let me eat. Drives me crazy. She wants what I'm having, but wont' sit in her highchair to eat it. I give it to her and she wants to walk around and eat on the go. What are you so busy doing that you cant' sit in the chair and eat??

She runs everywhere. No more walking, that's old. She's in a hurry... all the time!

Reese's first day of second grade was yesterday. He's been so excited to start school again. So far so good. We bought some new school clothes since he's grown out of everything we have from last year. I do have to go get boxes for his old clothes to make room for new ones. We had a little shopping spree at Target for school supplies last night. I forgot what that was like!

Chris has decided he now wants to start teaching visual at Indy with Dave. Ok baby, what ever you want to do, I will support you. Just know that I will have to go see Lo in Ceres after NY. lol.

This is all for now, gotta get back to work.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life's little disappointments

Today I got to work... late as usual. But I am there and happy to be there.

Today I also came to a realization that there are people out there who take others for granted. I used to look forward to coming in to work. Working with a good boss, nice people, and one of my bestest friends. It's only been in the recent months that I have been feeling like I have to drag my feet in the mud to walk into the office. I really don't want to be talked at, starred at, and pick up someone else's slack all the time.

I am disappointed and I am taking it personally. It was my job after all that isn't getting done.

It's not that I *have* to pick up the slack. In fact, I probably shouldn't.. that way others will see I am too busy with my own stuff to take on someone else's job.

However... all of the above is only about 20% of what pisses me off day to day. It's the attitude... the non-stop chatter... the refusal to take on new tasks ... the dress as you please days (my favorite is the black too-small camisole top) ... the 7 times a day 15 minute smoke breaks PLUS one hour lunch everyday ... the cell phone conversation inside the office after the boss leaves ... the phone ettiquette, or lack there of ... oh and there's so much more.

And for the cherry on top... today there was a message on the voicemail letting us know of the absence providing no reason whatsoever... that was left last night at 10pm. <-- sidebar: this is not the first time, it's probably the 4th or 5th time.

Tomorrow ... hopefully will be a better day. Hopefully with one less.

I am a raging bitch about this. Maybe I'm just a little more dedicated than some. I feel my job is not to be taken for granted and it's been a priveledge to be employed there.

Maybe it's just me.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

2007 Renegades

This weekend 7/21 & 7/22 we have off. I cleaned our house top to bottom, caught up on laundry, cooked some good meals, and went for some retail therapy by myself.

I love our schedule this year. Practically no stress on members. We have deserving weekends off every once in a while. Our shows ALWAYS kick ass. The show is an awesome production so far.

Next week when we go back to TI, we get the remaining 6 coffins to complete our visual effect.

Chris and I just got back from our LA tour. My mom was here to take care of our kids while we're gone so I spent no time worrying about them to death. I knew they were in good hands. Chris' mom came by to take the kids out of my mom's hands Saturday evening and then again Sunday. They all had a great time together.

When we went to LA, we spent Thursday preparing and traveling. Once we got down there, we called James and Lisa for a rondezvous in Santa Monica. Great food at Yankee Doodle bar. Everything else was closed by then so we came back to the hotel for a nightcap. Friday we lounged around all day, switched hotels, went to rehearsal and then had LMS in the dark. Something about the school's transformer blown out and we lost power and had to perform outdoors. Whatever, the guard didn't do anything but be there to support.

That night we partied with friends and witnessed some random drunk people waltz in and out of our hotel room. No really, that really happened. Chris is somehow James' bestman! I wonder if he remembers saying that to him. Or if he rememebered being in our room in the first place. I managed to piss a dude off because I ruined his whole tour due to the fact that I wouldn't let his stanky ass hang out in our room like he was doing last year with Chris (I wasn't on tour with Chris, so last year's rookies think they can come and go with him when they wanted) Think again suckers! Thank God Carlie was there... she would have kicked this dude's ass with her pinky.

We had some shows in between all the fun times. It's hot down there for sure. After Sunday's show, I flew home on the earliest Southwest flight I could get on. Got home around 8:30pm. Chris and Co. got home around 2:30am driving.

Monday morning we were back to normal lives.

Fun times nonetheless. I love this season of Renegades. I am not stressed out, the show is not so complicated that I kill myself trying to perfect it. Real life isn't getting in the way and vice versa.

I don't really know how to end this except to watch this neat video put together by Lee Rudnicki and wife Rumiko.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Something to say

I have none now that I'm sitting here trying to compose something. While I'm driving and can't write, however... I can think of a million things.

Let's see... what's been going on.

Bailey is 13 months old going on about 2 years old. She's got all kinds of spunk and personality. What a little sponge she really is too. You tell her someting once and she has it engraved in her brain forever. Although she still doesn't sleep through the night. That's about the only thing she's got going on that I just wish would change already.

Also, she's been on her feet walking and running since she was 10 months old.

Reese is having a good summer so far. We sent him to summer school, which took place at Anderson Elementary. It's already over, just 4 weeks long. This weekend he left with our next door neighbor and their kids to go camping. He called last night and the first thing he said was "Mom, we are in the woods! There's a lake here but I can't see it." I'm sure he's having all kinds of fun.

My mom is moving in with us July 31st. Which is also Reese's 7th birthday.

She is driving me insane and she's not even living here yet. Her listening skills just aren't there and it just frustrates me very much. I can't understand how someone can be so inconsiderate and not realize it.

Chris' mom is moving also. She is finally going to be in her own home with an empty nest. I know she is really looking forward to it. I am looking forward to seeing her happy, but a little far from us. It's ok, we will still see her often.

My life at work has been a lot of the same. I am unhappy with the environment, but I am happy with the job itself.


Next post will be Renegades related and some pictures.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19, 2007

Today is Bailey Taylor's first birthday.

You count the days, the weeks, the months... and now a year. It has gone by with lightening speed. She's becoming a little lady as supposed to a baby. I hope she becomes whoever she is destined to be.

Happy birthday baby.

I love you.

June 19, 2006

June 19, 2007

Friday, June 08, 2007

I am dreaming again

I can't explain how refreshing the last couple of days have been. Bailey is finally sleeping through the night. The little bugger.

No more getting up between the hours of midnight and 5am every night/morning. She just started sleeping through the night 3 nights ago. And it's been so nice. No more waking up on either the recliner or the couch with a tweaked back or thinking "I JUST laid down!".

My body was so used to waking up at odd hours that I would wake up, look over at her crib. She's still snoring with her butt up in the air and hands tucked in. Ok, she's still sleeping, good. The alarm goes off... wow, was that all night that she slept.... again?

We are in the midst of switching from formula to cow milk. So that might have something to do with it. She's doing half and half right now and it's been ok. Adjusting in the beginning was rough, her stomach made a lot of noise and she rejected it. But we are doing it gradually now (mommy's sorry) so she's taking it much better.

Bailey eats everything you hand to her. Yesterday she was walking around with the same piece of chicken nugget for a half hour just nibbling on it. I know, already feeding my kid fast food. But that was a snack though, she already had her dinner.

This kid already knows how to throw a tantrum. If she doesn't get what she wants, oh watch out. She throws herself on the floor complete with arched back, flailing arms and legs, the whole nine. BUT it takes one little distraction for her to stop. Like if someone walks into the room or if you hand her a toy.

Who ever made up the term "Terrible Twos" ... they are wrong.


My mother has agreed to take both the kids this weekend while we're at rehearsal on Saturday only. And she emphisizes.. NOT OVERNIGHT. She just doesn't care for Bailey all that much. Only Reese. Sad, really. But you know what, I really expected it from her.

That's all for today.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The best toys aren't toys at all...

A list of some of Bailey's "toys"

The blind string.
Because when she pulls on it and lets it go, the blinds hit the window sill and makes this crashing sound that's so entertaining to an 11 month old.

Mommy's shoes.
Because she leaves them laying by the front door and if she puts them on, it means she's leaving. So I will take them and hide them in random places around the house.

The cooking utincils.
When you bang them against anything, they make NOISE!

Mommy's wallet.
There's treasures and things I'm not supposed to play with in there.

Open, close, open, close, open, close... what could be more fun!

Plastic bags from anywhere.
I take them away... that's what motivates her to get them back.

At the risk of poking the roof of my mouth, I still like to run around with it.

My boxes of craft tools.
Because mommy keep saying no and they look like so much fun!

She also bangs on our computer keyboards, tv screen, and remote controls are apparently her new bestfriends.

Friday, May 25, 2007

This is the girl . . .

This is the girl who learned how to throw a tantrum one week ago.

This is the girl who tricked her brother into looking the other way while she snags his school snack right out of his backpack.

This is the girl who learned how to walk at 10 months old.

This is the girl who stays up til all hours of the night because she doesn't want to miss anything.

This is the girl who captured her parents' hearts from day 1 . . .

Change is good

The other day I was in Starbucks and I saw the cashier changes her hair style about once a week. If you have the patience and the means to do that... more power to you. I thought to myself... maybe it's time for me for a hairstyle change for me too.

So I asked Chris if he'd mind me changing my look a little. Add some hair to my forehead region. I want bangs again. The girl looked good and she has the same face shape as I do. I had bangs most of my life until a couple of years ago.

Ok 5 years ago.

So I looked up some cute styles.

Printed out some pictures.

Walked into SuperCuts and got me a cute set of bangs.

Here's to change!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

American Idol

Now that it's over... I can freely write about it. Not that I couldn't before, just didn't want to write prematurely.

So last night Jordin won. I think America picked the right Idol. As they always do, in my opinion. However, this year I predicted the wrong winner. I had an inkling that Melinda would win. I had a theory, you see. There are two criterias all of the past American Idol winners had in common. All of them are from the south and all of them have never been on the bottom two.

Kelly - Texas

Ruben - Alabama

Fantasia - North Carolina

Carrie - Oklahoma

Taylor - Alabama

Jordin - Arizona.... ??

Melinda hails from Nashville. In my book she was already a default winner. When she came out last night with the Winans. My first thought was that's where she belonged.

Oh well.

I do have to say that Jordin has an amazing voice and she will be successful regardless. Blake will have a career also, just in a different genre. Just like Taylor and Katharine McPhee. Love her music, but Taylor was a shoe-in.

Last night I did miss almost the first hour of the program because I thought it came on at 9pm like it usually does. Oops. We turned it on right where Blake was beatboxing with Doug-e-fresh. That's pretty cool. The African Children's choir made me cry. I don't know why. They were adorable! Sanjaya had to sing... again. I muted the tv.

Ryan Seacrest annoys the crap out of me.

Kelly Clarkson IS American Idol.

Gladys Knight made my night with the girls singing Midnight Train to Georgia. If I remember correctly, LaKeisha sang it in the beginning of the season back when top 12 were still around.

Love my girl Gina Glockson. She will also be fine. Reminds me a lot of Amy Lee... infact, she sang Call me when you're sober in the beginning and nailed it. Love that song.

Carrie Underwood - this girl is in a class of her own. What an amazing voice and performer. Humble as can be. Too bad she's country. I can handle about 2 seconds of country music and then I'd have to strangle someone.

I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking to myself while watching Bette Midler perform Wings Beneath My Wings - She's horrible! What a mess that was. Did she think it was a joke? I guess you have to see it to know what I'm referring to. I know very little about music and I knew she was out of tune. Cracking everywhere. It was actually painful to watch.

Ok ... I have to get to work. Much to do and not enough time.
Tonight So You Think You Can Dance STARTS!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Why do I have to beg for help? I'm talking about the daily grind. Help at home is not an issue.

There is available and capable hands... yet I get nothing. I was told once before that they refuse new information for one. Not only that, but the help doesn't seem to like being there in the first place. There have been times when my knowledge of previous duties were needed eventhough I was sick as a dog and really could use a day off to rest. But no... I can't ... we're short-handed. Isn't that a bitch?

There are so many things I want to say... and I already have to the powers-that-be... yet more chances are given. For some reason, I thought we're into doing serious business. I guess I'm a fool for assuming things should be done properly.

I am going to sound like a real bitch for complaining but here goes...

I seriously thought about taking breaks to compare how much I don't get done (not to mention covering for whomever) 10-15 minute breaks 5-6 times a day. PLUS the one hour lunch outside of the office I already get. Obviously, there is too much to do in one day for me to be able to pull something like that. The man in the corner office would raise an eyebrow and question my commitments. True, I would never jeopardize my 7 years of tenure. On the other hand, this exact schedule goes on every day.

Dressing appropriately. Come on. Like I said on the above paragraph. Could have swarn we're in business to be professional and present ourselves as such. Flip-flops, camisole tank tops, and denim cropped pants every single day is sloppy. It's really too bad we don't have a written in stone dress code.

Speaking of things written in stone. 7 years ago I was told from day one that I needed to be there during the hours of 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday, no more, no less. And there's no leaving on days we're bidding for projects. It's stressful on the estimators as it is without having to answer the phones, fetching their own faxes, and simultaneously working on other projects and troubleshooting field issues. Now that I'm in the shoes of an estimator, I understand how important my role used to be. The role was handed to someone who could careless.

The attitude. The moodiness. The self-inflicted injuries. The less than professional way of handling multiple tasks.

It was inevitable that I'd end up pouring it all in here. I am pissed off and I can't handle it anymore.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I took this from my friend Lisa's blog, but I figured she wouldn't mind.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Why is it so easy for a psychotic murderer to buy a gun or guns ...


I have to sign my soul to the devil and give my first born to get my baby some Sudafed at the Longs Pharmacy?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Unknown

When you were a little kid, were you ever curious of what's behind that one door in your house that you were never allowed to open?

Chris, Reese and I shower in our bathroom every day. Anytime someone is in there taking a shower, Bailey sits right outside the door waiting for something to happen or someone to allow her in. She's not to go in there because she pulls the toilet paper roll until it's empty, not to mention there's a toilet in there. Icky.

How frustrating must it be to not be able to talk or communicate efficiently to say what you want or need from your parents. How do you satisfy your curiosity when they just won't let you go into the bathroom?

I know she wants to go outside and play with her brother.

Now that she can walk... soon she will be able to do just that.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


It's been a while! Work has been busy, posting anything at home is nearly impossible. So... I have a few minutes right now to write.

Let's see what's been going on around here...

Reese is now riding a 2 wheel bicycle thanks to his friend Sarah for helping him out. She's a kid down the street that goes to the Y after school. She's older, 3rd grader. Loves playing with Reese. Little tomboy-ish. That's ok, she's got good manners and make good dicisions. She sort of watches over Reese when they play together, like a big sister would. Her mom is great too.

What else is going on with Reese... OH YEAH... little man decided to WALK to school by himself yesterday.


He thought he missed the bus when infact he was way too early and no one was out there yet. He decided he'd just walk to school by himself. When he told us he did that, Chris and both freaked out... there's a major intersection of Williams and Boynton he had to cross. He said there was plenty of people crossing with him so he wasn't scared. I'm really surprised he wasn't picked up by SJPD... a little too young to be walking to school by himself. He did have his backpack, school uniform on so he looked official.

Now that we're done freaking out....

Chris said he's old enough to figure it out .. and the fact that we ALL used to pull that crap on our parents when we were younger. I am really proud of him for being a problem solver and not scared to just take initiative. He thought he missed the bus, so he said ok, I guess I'm walking.


The other big news. Bailey is WALKING!!

Yes, she's taking a few steps on her own now. Wabbly steps, but that's how they start, right? She would take her steps, fall to her knees and just crawl to where she needs to go. It's much faster! She is trying to keep up with her brother afterall. I will post pictures another day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The concept of time

Yesterday I realized I was becoming my mother and my mother is becoming ... something other than herself.

Our neighbor's daughter goes to Reese's school but she's in the third grade. She likes to play with Reese and Reese likes to play with her.

Yesterday I stayed home with Bailey so later in the afternoon when it was time to pick up Reese I decided to walk to the school for some exercise. Besides, it was a beautiful day, might as well take advantage of it. As I got to Reese's school, Sarah, the girl he plays with asked if Reese can come over and play at her house. I said that's fine, but he has homework to do so it would only be for a little while.

Reese, Bailey (in the stroller) and I walked home only to find our neighbor and her daughter, Sarah at our door step waiting for us. She starts talking to me about her day, Sarah's day, the plants, her landlord, her job... what am I, your bestfriend?? Reese and Sarah have now taken off to their house and I'm stuck with this lady at my door. I tried to cut off the conversation to tell her to send Reese home by 7. She made a comment about how strict I was.

Ok, now I'm irritated.

Then I started thinking about it. I'm only strict because Reese has a routine he keeps up with every day. Going out to play at someone else's home is not in the routine, not part of our day. But it is part of being a kid.

At that moment I caught myself thinking ... am I really strict? I thought of what my mom would have done and she wouldn't have let me go to someone else's house when I have homework and chores to do. I told Sarah's mom, yeah I try to keep him on a schedule so he knows what to expect and doesn't go off his daily routine too much.

Then I look at her family - complete chaos. Hmm... reminding myself that I'm doing things exactly the way my mom did and I now appreciate her strictness upon me growing up.

Reese came home at 7 - totally wound up from playing with friends outside. It took a little while to get him to come down to earth and join us for dinner then homework then shower. He had to skip playtime before bed because he used that time with Sarah.

He realized this morning that time is a precious thing. He told me that he will make time for sister tonight because he didn't get to be with her last night at all.

I'm thinking to myself... wow, let's see if you say that when you're 16 and she's 10 and you have to drive her to school and where ever else she wants to go.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Winding down

Right now I'm sitting in my office with a few piles of still to get through for this week and thinking about random things that have nothing to do with work at the moment. Let's see if I can recap everything ...

Renegades camp this weekend was great. The hornline got through our ballad and we got more work to the show as well as cleaning the parts we already know. Next camp we should be getting drill to go with all this great work and music we have. Our poor hornline hardly is a full hornline at this point. We have more members in the guard than we do in the horns right now. Bizzarre, but good from our perspective. Drums are doing well, need a couple more people, but still.

I have to say that our friends John and Carolyn have been a godsend to us. Carolyn have had Bailey (and sometimes Reese) whenever we have camps. I am grateful for their generosity and their willingness to give at times we need them. Thank you guys! Chris and I owe you some margaritas!

Bailey woke up with a rash on her back this morning. I called her doctor and she said it might just be dry skin. The bumps are not red or irritating her at all. So we will just have to keep an eye on it and make sure these bumps don't get infected and become problematic.

Other than that... nothing exciting happened this week. I love my boring life. :-)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Some new pictures

The little boy is Lisa and Roy's little Andrew.

"I wub my bwa-der"

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It's March?


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

90 Questions

I love these, can't you tell?? This one is from Lolita, the FBI agent.

90. First off, what is your name?

89. What did you do last night?
Took the kids to the mall in search of a red shirt for Chris

88. Do you have a same sex best friend that you can talk to 24/7?

87. Do you have any siblings?
None from my mom and dad. However I have 4 half siblings

86. Where are you exactly?
On our couch

85. Favorite color(s)?
Pink (love pink/brown combo)

84. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say?
lol (from Chris)

83. Who sits beside you in you favorite class?
Not currently attending school

82. Who sits to the left?
Bailey's new teddy bear, Beary

81. Where is your dad right now?
Watching over me.

80. Do you have any kids?
Yes, 2

79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
Lisa Johnson

78. Closest black object?
The remote

77. Closest silver object?
The other remote

76. Have you ever jumped a fence for any reason?

75. Sing in the shower?

74. Do you own any pets?

73. How does your hair look right now?
Pulled back and greasy

72. Last time you listened to country music?
I hear it on someone else's radio at work

71. ?

70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
Too many names to mention.... ha ha

69. What are your fears?
Not being able to provide for my children. Health scares. Growing old.

68. What do you hear right now?
My husband babbling about poker

67. How many drugs are in ur system right now?
Tylenol cold and sinus

66. What is the profit ratio for Macy's 2006 statement?
Hm... I would know this if I was still in school.

65. What are you wearing?
Pink stripe shirt, blue plaid pajama pants, white socks

64. When was the last time you pretended to be an animal?
When I was reading a zoo animal book to Bailey earlier today

63. Do you sing?
In the car, yeah

62. Screamo or Country?
What the hell is Screamo?

61. Rock or Rap?

60. Chocolate or vanilla?

59. Who did you last call?
The boss

58. Who last called you?
My husband

57. What jewelry do you wear daily?
My earrings, my wedding band/engagement ring

56. What are you doing now?
This survey, watch TV

55. Who was the last person you said I love you too?
My husband

54. Would you die for someone?

53. If so, who?
Chris and our kids

52. Are you cold right now?

51. What do you smell right now?
Nothing, I have a cold.

50. Do you have to pee right now?

49. What did you dream about last night?
Not sure. I was up with Bailey 3-4 times last night.

48. What are you doing tomorrow?

47. If an ex wanted you back, what would you say?
ha ha.

>> I have no idea what happened to questions 45 & 46

44. Bedsheet color?

42. Carpet or wood in your room?

41. Bad rumor about yourself that you've heard?
Too many to mention. People talk out of their asses

38. Can you do a cartwheel?

37.What's your favorite candle scent?

36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Heck no

35. America or Canada?

34. What makes you mad?
Today? People who power trip. There are others I'm too tired to mention

33. What if you found out you were adopted?
It'd be kinda weird, but it would explain a lot

32. Jeans or Sweatpants?

29. Do you have socks on?
Yeah - Hanes

28. Do you own any big sunglasses?

27. Have you ever cried so hard you puked?

26. Last concert you attended?
Saw Garbage at the Fillmore

25. Last vacation you went on?
Pacific Grove for our 1 year anniversary

24. Have you ever gone streaking?

23. Have you skinny dipped?

22. Person who posted this before you?

21. Anything bothering you right now?

20. Miss anyone?
Yes, my dad

19. Favorite TV show?
Too many to mention

18. Do you like 80s movies?

17. Are you scared of the dark?

16. Last two numbers in your cell phone number?
Chris's cell & Marcia

15. What kinda music do you like?
Pop, anything I can sing to

14. Are you a crazy stalker?

13. Best city you've visited?
New Orleans

12. Been to London?

10. Favorite subject at school?
Trend Analysis & Textiles <-- 2 different classes

9. Been to college?

7. Favorite time of day?

6. Ever licked someones cheek?
Yes, I'm about to lick my husband's sleeping face

5. Watch all Spiderman movies?
Just the first one

4. What's on your TV right now?

3. What are you looking forward to?
Cleaning up and getting in bed

2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?
No - that would be freaky

1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep?
Apparently I talk sometimes

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Bailey cares not what her toys do, she only cares about their tags. The satin-y little manufacturer's tag that comes with all cloth toys like dolls, soft books, even some baby furnitures. The tags are the first thing she will find and she'd taste it, rub it, gnaw on it, yank and pull on it until she wears it out. She has now figured out that just about everything comes with a tag.

One day a friend of mine suggested I go to this website

I bought this:

These 2 moms from Boston whose kids love tags like Bailey does, decided one day that they'd take a fleece piece of material and sew tags all over it for their babies. And wa-la! Now they're making millions $ of suckers like me who can't sew.
This little 12" x 12" (that inches) blanket cost me $26.
Only if I knew how to sew.
Anyway..... it's raining out. I should really Rain-X my windshield. That's another 'duh' yet genius invention. Rain-X is water and a little oil.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Survey from Lisa

This one is from Lisa D

10 Years ago.................
1.) How old were you?: 22
2.) Where did you go to school? FIDM, San Francisco
3.) Where did you work?: The Men's Wearhouse - Corporate Office
4.) Where did you live? Fremont, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: No time to hang out. Worked 8 hours a day, school, and homework
6). Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) Who was your regular-person crush?: Had a boyfriend
9.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
10.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
11.) What car did you drive?: 95 Ford
12.) Had you been to a real party yet?: A couple
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: In a relationship

5 YEARS AGO............................................................
1.) How old were you?: 27
2.) Where did you go to school?: Same as above
3.) Where did you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
4.) Where did you live?: San Jose, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: Home with Reese
6.) Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
9.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
10.) What car did you drive? Ford Taurus POS
11.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Oh yeah
12.) Had your heart broken?: Yes
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Single mom

NOW ..........................................................................................
1.) How old are you?: 32
2.) Where do you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
3.) Where do you live?: Different place in San Jose, CA
4.) Do you wear glasses?: No, but I probably should
5.) Who are your best friends? Kelly Garcia & Christopher Clavejo
6.) Do you talk to your old friends?: Yes
7.) How many piercings do you have?: Still 2
8.) How many tattoos?: 0
9.) What kind of car do you have?: 98 VW Golf
10.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Uh, yeah
11.) Has your heart been broken?: Yeah but I'm over it
12.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Happily married with children

Really long survey from Veronica

Thanks V!

Single or Taken: Taken
Happy about that: Very much so
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 8.5 - 9
Height: 5’7”
What are you wearing right now?: Pink Alaska shirt, blue plaid flannel pajama pants, white socks
Best place to go for a date: Date? ______________________________________________

Kind of pants: Flannel pj pants
Number: 7 I would say
Animal: Dog
Drink (non alcoholic): Frappuccino from Starbucks, Freddo from Peets
Sport: Bowling
Month: May
Juice: Cranberry

Have You Ever...
Bungee Jumped?: That would be a NO
Made yourself throw-up?: No
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Eaten a hot dog?: Yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: of course
Played truth or dare?: Yes
Been on a plane?: Yes
Came close to dying?: When I almost got run over by a drunk cowboy when Saddle Rack was in San Jose
Been in a sauna?: Yes
Been in a hot tub?: Yes
Swam in the ocean? I learned to swim in the ocean
Fell asleep in school?: Yeah
Ran away?: No - never had a reason to
Broken someone's heart?: Yes
Cried when someone died?: Absolutely
Cried in school?: Yes
Fell off your chair?: Yes
What is...
Your good luck charm? Don't think I have a lucky charm
New favorite song?: Call me when you're sober - Evanescence
What is besides you?: The remotes, bottle of water, Bailey's empty bottle
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Redken All Soft Shampoo & Conditioner
Ever Had..
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat: Got one right now
Stitches: Yes
Broken nose: No, not yet
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Believe in long distance relationships?: No
Like school?: Yes - life is about learning something new all the time
Who was the last person that called you?: Lisa Dryden
Who makes you smile the most?: My kids and Chris
Who knows you the best? Chris and Kelly
Do you like filling these out?: Yes they are fun
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: No, but I probably should
Do you like yourself?: Most days
Are you kidding?: About what?
Do you get along with your family?: Yes
Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: Yes - only with certain things - I live on 'routine' and 'rituals' - man, do I need therapy?
Suicidal?: Um, no - What kind of question is that??
Final Questions:
Hated someone in your family?: No
Gotten any awards?: Yes, but nothing major
What car/truck do you wish to have?: Toyota Hylander Hybrid
Good driver?: I'd like to think so, my husband might say otherwise. :-P
Good Singer?: Bailey thinks I'm GREAT!
Have a lava lamp?: No
What was your last dream about?: Bailey being sick and crying for me - then I woke up because she's crying in her crib and she's sick
When you last showered: This morning
Scary or Funny Movies? Funny and Suspense flicks
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Skiing or Boarding? Neither
Summer or winter? Summer
Silver or Gold? Silver
Diamond or pearl? Love the Prince song
Sprite or 7up? Neither
Coffee or sweet tea? Coffee
Phone or in person? Person
Are you oldest? Compared to whom?____________________________________________
Today did you...Buy something: Yes, had to go grocery shopping for dinner
Get sick? Got sick over the weekend
Talked to an ex? God no
Miss someone? Yes, my dad, all the time
Last person who....
Slept in your bed? Chris
Saw/heard you cry? Chris
Made you cry? The show SuperNanny - recently single dad with 4 kids who miss their mom dearly
Went to the movies with? Reese and Derek - we saw Cars on opening day
Ever been in a fight with your pet? No
Been to Mexico? No
Been to Europe? No
Favorite sports to watch? None
Piercing/Tattoos? Just my ears pierced, no tattoos
What are you most scared of right now? Chris's recent unhappiness with his job and is considering a major career change
Who do you really hate? No one important enough to mention
Do you have a job? Yes
Have you ever been in a "mosh-pit"? No
Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? Posture and personal style - I don't know why. Bad posture tells you a lot about a person, and also their style.
Your Favorite Food? Anything Chris makes for me
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the night before? No - do I sound like a party pooper with this question or what?
Hair color? Dark brown
Aim? No
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Buttered and salted
Dogs or cats? Dog
Favorite Flower? Gerbera Daisies
How many pillows do you sleep with? 1

Holy long survey!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentines Day 2007

4 married women in my office...

...the one who just filed for divorce gets a bouquet of red roses delivered to her from an expensive florist.

...the rest of us? We ate cupcakes... brought by the one who's not married.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Random Thoughts

I have come to the realization that I'm not really good at updating this thing. I can't really do it at work anymore. My responsibilities there quadrupled since I came back from maternity leave. There are way too many distractions that I can't keep coming back and forth from working to blogging constantly. That and I can't exactly say... "don't bother me, I'm blogging on the clock"

So many things to write about.... some highlights:
  • A friend whose husband left her a month ago has pushed his way back into her life, her home, her heart. She was ready, with divorce papers in one hand and a pen in the other.
  • I experienced a first grade classroom first hand on Monday. Man, I was exhausted by the time I left the class.
  • Renegades.
  • Bailey and Reese.
  • Reality TV shows update.
On that note... I will update this thing on Thursday when I'm 'working from home'.

Wink wink.

Friday, February 02, 2007

More New Pictures

She's going to hate me for posting nakie pictures of her. :-) But she's so cute!

Some new pictures of Bailey

Friday, January 26, 2007


I have just a few petpeeves that I can think of today. And I feel I have to write them down because you never know... when I get older and wiser later on in life, I might find these amusing.

Peeve #1

I can't sit on a warm toilet seat. There's just something about that that just creeps me out.

Peeve #2

When the cashier at Starbucks assumes the person behind you is with you and proceed to take his order because he is standing so close to you.

Peeve #3

When the cashier at the grocery store make comments about what you're buying.

Peeve #4

When you're trying to put your change away and the cashier is already taking the next order after you and you haven't left the register yet.

Peeve #5

When exiting the freeway, do not STOP at the end of the exit! I will run your ass over!

Peeve #6
Unless your name is Chris Clavejo...when my IM status say busy, don't start chatting with me. I am really busy.
That's all for today....