Ok lots of things to update...
Let's see...
Our little precious monkey girl still doesn't sleep through the night. Not on a regular basis. And it's doing a number on my sanity. She can sleep through 4 out of 7 nights a week. That's it. Those nights are usually clumped together. Then she will wake up 3-4 nights in a row. We have already tried all the tricks of the trade. Seriously. Nothing seems to be working. We first blamed it on teeth... then she would leak through her diaper so she wakes up wet and irritated... Her teeth are all in like they should be now... and we switched to nighttime diapers (duh) so she's not waking up soaked anymore.
Yeah... I still hear "... Manna?" at 3am.

That's the other thing. She doesn't say "Mommy" ... I think I heard her call me that once. That's it just one time. When she's really tired and whiny. I want her to say it when she's happy and calling me because she wants to. I guess that will come with time.
Bailey says simple words and understands a lot of things you tell her now. She has total common sense. She will pick out shoes from her shoe basket and they'd be a matching pair. And then she will put them down to try to put them on, always the correct foot in the correct shoe. When we change her diaper, she walks her soiled diaper to the garbage can. Can't open the can, but she will put it on the top of the lid and go about her day.

She's starting to play like a girl. She takes her baby dolls and line them up and tuck them in like she's putting them to bed. I caught her trying to diaper a doll yesterday. It was cute and funny. She did get frustrated because it wouldn't stay on the doll. I guess we'll have to look into investing in a play kitchen or doll house soon.
In other news...
Our good boy Reese has been suspended from school. Today he's not allowed to be at school because he punched another kid in class.
Apperently the kid said something about me that was pretty naughty. So when he got up from his seat, Reese punched him in the ribs.
The principal of the school called me to let me know what happened and that he's suspended. She also told me that she knows Reese pretty well and this is out of his charactor. Reese knows what he did was wrong and he felt horrible about it. On the one hand I can't imagine my kid punching someone like that. On the other hand I'm kinda glad he did what he did and is getting the punishment that is harsh. He knows that being suspended from school is the ultimate worse. That's what the 'bad' kids get.
Hopefully this is the last and only phone call like that I'm going to receive from the principal.

Chris is doing well with his work. So far nothing has changed with his job but you never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
He's also the visual tech guy at Independence High School. My alma mater and Chris marched in the band. No, he didn't attend the school, but Mr. M let him march in the band back in the day. He takes a lot of pride in teaching and those kids are really lucky to have him. Yes he does talk, marching is his passion and he's been eager to teach for a long time.
Speaking of teaching. I've also been helping out a colorguard. My good friend Lolita teaches a little band out in Ceres, CA at Central Valley HS. Brand new school, brand new band. She's also very passionate about what she does and I am proud of what she has accomplished in just a year's time. I am honored to be there with her and to help with her group of kids.
We have big plans for the winter program. It's really too bad that the school is 2 hours away from me and I can't be there all the time. But they are willing to work hard and they really do put their heart and soul into everything they do. Just like Lolita. I think they will do fine.
I am trying to make Christmas cards. Yes Christmas cards. I figured if I start now, I will actually send them out in time for Christmas. We need to go take family pictures for the holidays. Although we have to wait til after Thanksgiving. The baby doesn't look the same from month to month. You laugh, but it's true!!
What else...
Oh yeah... I've decided not to march Renegades. At least not for another few years. It's not fair for the kids that both parents aren't available during the summer weekends. Reese wanted to be in baseball this year and we couldn't put him in because we actually want to be there for his games on Saturdays. It was impossible. The baby will have her own schedule also. We might put her into swim lessons or something. The local YMCA has a lot to offer.
Although I'm not marching anymore, I will continue to be involved with the corps. They are setting up committees so us alumni and other supporters of the corps maybe able to do to help. Without people doing all the hardwork in the background, there wouldn't be a corps on the field. I will do my best to try to help.
I have mentioned this to Chris before, but if there's a hole in June, I might be persuaded to fill it. Don't know until we get there. It's not fair to do that to people who were there all season though. I did it in 2003, that was HARD WORK!! Plus I have mommy brain now anyway. That means you don't remember things as well as you used to before babies. Shut up Kathy. lol.
Here's a little video of Bailey laughing. It's the most perfect sound any parent hears. It's true, ask a parent.
Ok... that's all for today.
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