Renegades camp this weekend was great. The hornline got through our ballad and we got more work to the show as well as cleaning the parts we already know. Next camp we should be getting drill to go with all this great work and music we have. Our poor hornline hardly is a full hornline at this point. We have more members in the guard than we do in the horns right now. Bizzarre, but good from our perspective. Drums are doing well, need a couple more people, but still.
I have to say that our friends John and Carolyn have been a godsend to us. Carolyn have had Bailey (and sometimes Reese) whenever we have camps. I am grateful for their generosity and their willingness to give at times we need them. Thank you guys! Chris and I owe you some margaritas!
Bailey woke up with a rash on her back this morning. I called her doctor and she said it might just be dry skin. The bumps are not red or irritating her at all. So we will just have to keep an eye on it and make sure these bumps don't get infected and become problematic.
Other than that... nothing exciting happened this week. I love my boring life. :-)
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