Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok I just figured out how to post videos on here.

Bailey's first steps - This was back in April of 2007

Bouncing Bailey

I can't imagine her being embarrassed by this picture in 15 years, can you?

1 comment:

Lisa Mc. said...

I'm telling you...from one mommy to another, you've GOT to start putting her to bed in her own bedroom. Every little noise you make will wake her up and vise versa. Besides, she's got to start learning how to solve problems on her own. It starts in the crib when they start to learn how to soothe themselves. Sometimes I'll bet she cries out in her sleep, and if left alone she will go back to sleep, but because you're right there, you wake up and tend to her. It will be hard to let her cry, but wake up, change her diaper, see if she wants somethign to eat and if she's not sick, put her to bed and let her cry it out. She's not going to die from crying. And you'll get some sanity back.