Who ever invented the whole themed party thing should be shot. What ever happened to the simple cake and ice-cream get-togethers? Plain and simple, just have some friends over to celebrate your birthday. Now a days you have to send out annoucements like it's a wedding... then you gotta pick a theme to tie it all together... then you gotta list out the shopping list for everything you're going to need because if you don't budget it right, you're doomed financially.
I am a victim of the perfect themed party for my kids. I know, I shouldn't bitch if I do exactly what I complain about. .. but when I get started, I really don't leave myself much of a choice. Kids like the commercialized charactors. For Bailey right now it's all about Elmo and sometimes Dora and Teletubbies. But Elmo has always been the one to capture her heart. So it's the little red monster it is for her second birthday.
The banner across the living room
The cake
The table setting, paper plates, cups
The party goodies for the kids to take home
And then when she opened some of the gifts... MORE Elmo!
Gotta love it. Here are some photos. Happy birthday baby!

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