Taken from Olyvia's blog. Love ya!!
1.Where did you take your picture?
Our wedding day 10/29/05 Pacific Grove, CA.
2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
Red long sleeves, cargo pants and boots
3.What is your current problem?
Awaiting results of my last Gyno visit.
4.What makes you most happy?
My kids, my wonderful husband, my job, and reality TV.
5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
No music in this office today. Someone is grumpy.
6.Any celeb you would marry?
I'm married, but if I wasn't, it would be Dave Matthews.
7.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
Kirk Cameron.
8.Ever sang in front of a large audience?
Nope. And you don't want me to. Really.
10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
Yep... when you got kids you know all about Elmo and Dora and Thomas the tank engine.
11. Do you speak any other languages?
Thai. Not really, but I do understand it.
12.Has anyone you've been really close to passed away?
My daddy.
13.Do you ever watch MTV?
Yes, Real World, My SuperSweet 16, Etc.
14.What's something that really annoys you?
Oh if I can name them on a public blog.... lol.
Chapter 1: Basics
1. Name: Kanika
2. Nickname: Makika (Created by Lisamomeesa) and whatever Chris calls me.
3. Current location: Santa Clara at my office.
4. Eye color: Brown
Chapter 2: Family
1. Do you live with your parents: No, but my kids live with me though :-)
2. Do you get along with your parent(s): My mom, yes. My dad is watching over me.
3. Are you parents married/seperated/divorced: Mom is widowed.
4. Do you have any Siblings: Not from my mom and dad. I have 4 half siblings from my dad's first marraige.
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream: Chocolate
2. Season: spring
3. Shampoo/conditioner: Redken All Soft line alternating with Head n Shoulders.
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower: nope - I usually run through my day's to-do's in the shower.
2. Write on your hand: no - I keep a notebook in my purse so I don't write on my hand.
3. Call people back: If I have to.
4. Believe in love: Absolutely.
5. Sleep on a certain side of the bed: Yes, because my husband makes me. :-)
6. Have Any obessions: Scrapbooking
Chapter 5: Have You...
1. Broken a bone: Yes, a toe.
2. Sprained stuff: Yes, ankles, wrists, neck.
3. Had physical therapy: Yes, when I broke my toe.
4. Gotten stitches: Yes, after an epesiodomy - shout out to all the moms out there - woot!
5. Taken painkillers: Who hasn't?
6. Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling: No
8. Thrown up at the dentist: No
9. Sworn in front of your parents: Yes... my dad was a sailor.
10. Had detention: Nope
11. Been sent to the principal's office: Nope
12. Been called a hoe: Again, who hasn't?
Chaper 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie(s) you saw: Um... no idea. It was while I was pregnant, I know that.
2 Person to text you: Carolyn with a cute picture of Bailey.
3. Person to call you?: Chris
4. Person who hugged you: Reese - before he left for school this morning.
5. Person you tackled: Must have been Chris, he would be the only one to tackle me
6. Thing you touched: My soup
7. Thing you ate: Wok Stock & Barrel Soup from Yan Can
8. Thing you drank: Cherry Coke
9. Thing you said: There's only one pair of chopsticks for all this food??
10. Friends you consider really close to you: Ton of people
11. Friends you miss the most that have moved: Veronica Nickel
12. Do you have OCD?: Yes - and now my son has it too
13. Who was the last person you spent more than 1 hour chatting with?: Chris - Well I was chatting and he was listening.
14. What was the first school you went to?: A preschool in Bangkok, Thailand.
15. Do you miss your hometown?: No
16. Whos your favorite sibling?: Me
17. Are you in love at the moment?: Yes.... I love my hubby. :-)
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