There...... I said it.....
We're 8 weeks pregnant!
We found out probably about 4 weeks into the pregnancy. This is Chris's face when he saw 'pregnant' on the stick test. lol.
We are sooooo excited!!
Girl: Bailey Taylor Clavejo
Boy: Riley Christopher Clavejo
I have been feeling the effects of being pregnant. Chris got me some prenatal vitamins to keep us healthy. I hate them, they are absolute horse pills. I am so tired everyday with this baby taking all of my energy. Everything I eat is going straight to the baby. I'm hungry all the time. Although Chris is pretty good about reminding me to bring snacks, most of the time I pack a lunch anyway.
When I was pregnant with Reese. I was told that I was anemic. Ok, so I still am. Iron deficiency. I take the vitamins so you'd think that would be enough. I also don't drink enough water.... so the combo? Passing out in a toy store. Yep... That's what happened yesterday.
We haven't told our moms yet. We're going to our first prenatal appointment this Wednesday. Hopefully we'll get an ultrasound picture and I will make a copy and put it in a card for our moms. I really hope that they get excited and happy for us.
Ok no more passing out!!!! Yikes!!
just remember, just because the vitamin has like 40000% of what you need doesn't mean your body is ingesting 40000%. Your body ingests most easily vitamins derived from natural resources. (i.e food). Iron = red meat and spinach, or other dark green leafy veggies. Yuck...I know. I only know this because I am also anemic and I told my doctor that I take a prenatal and an iron pill. (!!!!)
Can't wait to find out if it's a Bailey or a Riley....
Congratulations mommy!!!!!
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