Whenever I heard 'Parent/Teacher Conference' when I was in school I would just cringe. Oh god, now my parents are gonna know that I don't really pay attention in class. lol. So here's the synopsys of Reese's progress so far in school.
20 out of 26 uppercase letters
12 out of 26 lowercase letters
can count up to 12 on his own
knows 6 of 7 shapes
he identified a target as a 'store' and an oval as a 'smashed circle' .... both of which were correct.... can't really argue with him there.
and there's a bunch more things... this is all I remember off the top of my head.
His teacher says that he's a great listener and he follows the rules to a 't'. He raises his hand when he knows the answer as supposed to some of the other kids who scream out the answers. He takes his time with a lot of the projects in class, especially writing 'workbook' projects. We discovered that he's extremely hard on himself and he must have do everything perfectly before he can move on. Which makes him the last to finish (or sometimes not even finish) his work in class. The other kids want to play, and Reese will write and erase the same letters until he gets them perfect.
He knows how to write his name and he likes music and movement with music.
He's a LEFTY!! This is what gets me. Chris and I are both right handed. We will have a hard time helping him with his work. He writes with his left, but he does everything else with the right hand. Eats, cuts, etc. So who knows, we might have an ambidextrous.
Chris and I both think that he might be obcessive compulsive. He's very into schedule and if you go off the plan he will have a cow. He loves to play with things that gives him a sense of order. Like trains for example. All the little cars are the same size and the track goes the same direction. He loves to clean and make things orderly. He dresses really well because he can't stand having a spec of dirt on him.
Wonder where he got that from........ =P I loved the fact that Chris was there with me and he's ready and willing to be a parent. It's like it was his ultimate goal in life... to have kids and be a dad. I love it.
So after the parent/teacher meeting Chris and I went down to the County of Santa Clara building to get a marraige license. Bing Bang Boom.... it was so easy. Maybe because we were prepared and filled everything out ahead of time. We were so excited when we left the building. Butterflies everywhere. We are so ready to be married. Just waiting for the day to come....
37 DAYS!!
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