It's been almost a month since I last wrote something in here. How much do I suck?
Our laptop at home has a virus. Neither one of us have the time or energy to take it to Geek Squad or ask someone techy. Bleh. To post at work (like I'm doing right now) is pretty much impossible. I can't stop long enough to think about personal stuff anymore here. Too many tasks too many responsibilities. Which is okay. I love being busy here, I like feeling wanted, needed by these guys.
We leave for DCA Championship week in Rochester, NY with the Renegades next week. Wednesday night to be exact. I can't believe it's here already. This season just FLEW by. I guess that's what happens when you have a good time with friends and not stress out. 2005 was not a good year for me personally... I was way stressed and couldn't wait for it to all be over.
Bailey is getting smarter by the day. She sits and reads a book with us at night. We sing to her and she makes hand motions. She points to the fridge and says 'melk? melk?' when she watns milk. She takes her dirty diaper to the garbage herself. The kitchen sink is now too small for her to bathe in. I'm kinda sad about that really. She's grown so much right before our eyes.
She found her belly button recently.
The only thing that annoys me is that she doesn't have a sleep pattern. We spoil her in that department because we dont' have a set bedtime ourselves. She winds down when she feels tired enough. We don't put her in her crib and let her cry like they advise you to do in those parenting magazines. Chris and I rock her to sleep and it works most nights. Last night though, she fell asleep too early, around 8pm. She woke up at midnight when WE were trying to go to bed. I picked her up out of the crib, she wanted to play. I swear she walked around in the dark living room for an hour while I nodded in and out of sleep. She finally came to me and laid on my chest and fell asleep. Girl! I can't do this all the time!
Ok 2 things that annoys me. Bailey doesn't let me eat. Drives me crazy. She wants what I'm having, but wont' sit in her highchair to eat it. I give it to her and she wants to walk around and eat on the go. What are you so busy doing that you cant' sit in the chair and eat??
She runs everywhere. No more walking, that's old. She's in a hurry... all the time!
Reese's first day of second grade was yesterday. He's been so excited to start school again. So far so good. We bought some new school clothes since he's grown out of everything we have from last year. I do have to go get boxes for his old clothes to make room for new ones. We had a little shopping spree at Target for school supplies last night. I forgot what that was like!
Chris has decided he now wants to start teaching visual at Indy with Dave. Ok baby, what ever you want to do, I will support you. Just know that I will have to go see Lo in Ceres after NY. lol.
This is all for now, gotta get back to work.