I love these, can't you tell?? This one is from Lolita, the FBI agent.
90. First off, what is your name?
89. What did you do last night?
Took the kids to the mall in search of a red shirt for Chris
88. Do you have a same sex best friend that you can talk to 24/7?
87. Do you have any siblings?
None from my mom and dad. However I have 4 half siblings
86. Where are you exactly?
On our couch
85. Favorite color(s)?
Pink (love pink/brown combo)
84. What does the 7th message in your [cell] text inbox say?
lol (from Chris)
83. Who sits beside you in you favorite class?
Not currently attending school
82. Who sits to the left?
Bailey's new teddy bear, Beary
81. Where is your dad right now?
Watching over me.
80. Do you have any kids?
Yes, 2
79. Who is the 5th person you got a missed call from?
Lisa Johnson
78. Closest black object?
The remote
77. Closest silver object?
The other remote
76. Have you ever jumped a fence for any reason?
75. Sing in the shower?
74. Do you own any pets?
73. How does your hair look right now?
Pulled back and greasy
72. Last time you listened to country music?
I hear it on someone else's radio at work
71. ?
70. If you could kill someone, who would it be?
Too many names to mention.... ha ha
69. What are your fears?
Not being able to provide for my children. Health scares. Growing old.
68. What do you hear right now?
My husband babbling about poker
67. How many drugs are in ur system right now?
Tylenol cold and sinus
66. What is the profit ratio for Macy's 2006 statement?
Hm... I would know this if I was still in school.
65. What are you wearing?
Pink stripe shirt, blue plaid pajama pants, white socks
64. When was the last time you pretended to be an animal?
When I was reading a zoo animal book to Bailey earlier today
63. Do you sing?
In the car, yeah
62. Screamo or Country?
What the hell is Screamo?
61. Rock or Rap?
60. Chocolate or vanilla?
59. Who did you last call?
The boss
58. Who last called you?
My husband
57. What jewelry do you wear daily?
My earrings, my wedding band/engagement ring
56. What are you doing now?
This survey, watch TV
55. Who was the last person you said I love you too?
My husband
54. Would you die for someone?
53. If so, who?
Chris and our kids
52. Are you cold right now?
51. What do you smell right now?
Nothing, I have a cold.
50. Do you have to pee right now?
49. What did you dream about last night?
Not sure. I was up with Bailey 3-4 times last night.
48. What are you doing tomorrow?
47. If an ex wanted you back, what would you say?
ha ha.
>> I have no idea what happened to questions 45 & 46
44. Bedsheet color?
42. Carpet or wood in your room?
41. Bad rumor about yourself that you've heard?
Too many to mention. People talk out of their asses
38. Can you do a cartwheel?
37.What's your favorite candle scent?
36. Ever gone a whole day without eating?
Heck no
35. America or Canada?
34. What makes you mad?
Today? People who power trip. There are others I'm too tired to mention
33. What if you found out you were adopted?
It'd be kinda weird, but it would explain a lot
32. Jeans or Sweatpants?
29. Do you have socks on?
Yeah - Hanes
28. Do you own any big sunglasses?
27. Have you ever cried so hard you puked?
26. Last concert you attended?
Saw Garbage at the Fillmore
25. Last vacation you went on?
Pacific Grove for our 1 year anniversary
24. Have you ever gone streaking?
23. Have you skinny dipped?
22. Person who posted this before you?
21. Anything bothering you right now?
20. Miss anyone?
Yes, my dad
19. Favorite TV show?
Too many to mention
18. Do you like 80s movies?
17. Are you scared of the dark?
16. Last two numbers in your cell phone number?
Chris's cell & Marcia
15. What kinda music do you like?
Pop, anything I can sing to
14. Are you a crazy stalker?
13. Best city you've visited?
New Orleans
12. Been to London?
10. Favorite subject at school?
Trend Analysis & Textiles <-- 2 different classes
9. Been to college?
7. Favorite time of day?
6. Ever licked someones cheek?
Yes, I'm about to lick my husband's sleeping face
5. Watch all Spiderman movies?
Just the first one
4. What's on your TV right now?
3. What are you looking forward to?
Cleaning up and getting in bed
2. Ever gotten lost in the dark?
No - that would be freaky
1. Do you snore/talk/walk in your sleep?
Apparently I talk sometimes
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Bailey cares not what her toys do, she only cares about their tags. The satin-y little manufacturer's tag that comes with all cloth toys like dolls, soft books, even some baby furnitures. The tags are the first thing she will find and she'd taste it, rub it, gnaw on it, yank and pull on it until she wears it out. She has now figured out that just about everything comes with a tag.
One day a friend of mine suggested I go to this website www.taggies.com.
I bought this:

These 2 moms from Boston whose kids love tags like Bailey does, decided one day that they'd take a fleece piece of material and sew tags all over it for their babies. And wa-la! Now they're making millions $ of suckers like me who can't sew.
This little 12" x 12" (that inches) blanket cost me $26.
Only if I knew how to sew.
Anyway..... it's raining out. I should really Rain-X my windshield. That's another 'duh' yet genius invention. Rain-X is water and a little oil.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Survey from Lisa
This one is from Lisa D
10 Years ago.................
1.) How old were you?: 22
2.) Where did you go to school? FIDM, San Francisco
3.) Where did you work?: The Men's Wearhouse - Corporate Office
4.) Where did you live? Fremont, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: No time to hang out. Worked 8 hours a day, school, and homework
6). Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) Who was your regular-person crush?: Had a boyfriend
9.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
10.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
11.) What car did you drive?: 95 Ford
12.) Had you been to a real party yet?: A couple
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: In a relationship
5 YEARS AGO............................................................
1.) How old were you?: 27
2.) Where did you go to school?: Same as above
3.) Where did you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
4.) Where did you live?: San Jose, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: Home with Reese
6.) Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
9.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
10.) What car did you drive? Ford Taurus POS
11.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Oh yeah
12.) Had your heart broken?: Yes
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Single mom
NOW ..........................................................................................
1.) How old are you?: 32
2.) Where do you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
3.) Where do you live?: Different place in San Jose, CA
4.) Do you wear glasses?: No, but I probably should
5.) Who are your best friends? Kelly Garcia & Christopher Clavejo
6.) Do you talk to your old friends?: Yes
7.) How many piercings do you have?: Still 2
8.) How many tattoos?: 0
9.) What kind of car do you have?: 98 VW Golf
10.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Uh, yeah
11.) Has your heart been broken?: Yeah but I'm over it
12.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Happily married with children
10 Years ago.................
1.) How old were you?: 22
2.) Where did you go to school? FIDM, San Francisco
3.) Where did you work?: The Men's Wearhouse - Corporate Office
4.) Where did you live? Fremont, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: No time to hang out. Worked 8 hours a day, school, and homework
6). Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) Who was your regular-person crush?: Had a boyfriend
9.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
10.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
11.) What car did you drive?: 95 Ford
12.) Had you been to a real party yet?: A couple
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: In a relationship
5 YEARS AGO............................................................
1.) How old were you?: 27
2.) Where did you go to school?: Same as above
3.) Where did you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
4.) Where did you live?: San Jose, CA
5.) Where did you hang out?: Home with Reese
6.) Did you wear glasses?: No
7.) Who was your best friend?: Kelly Garcia
8.) How many tattoos did you have?: 0
9.) How many piercings did you have?: 2
10.) What car did you drive? Ford Taurus POS
11.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Oh yeah
12.) Had your heart broken?: Yes
13.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Single mom
NOW ..........................................................................................
1.) How old are you?: 32
2.) Where do you work?: Anderson Pacific Construction
3.) Where do you live?: Different place in San Jose, CA
4.) Do you wear glasses?: No, but I probably should
5.) Who are your best friends? Kelly Garcia & Christopher Clavejo
6.) Do you talk to your old friends?: Yes
7.) How many piercings do you have?: Still 2
8.) How many tattoos?: 0
9.) What kind of car do you have?: 98 VW Golf
10.) Had you been to a real party yet?: Uh, yeah
11.) Has your heart been broken?: Yeah but I'm over it
12.) Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: Happily married with children
Really long survey from Veronica
Thanks V!
Single or Taken: Taken
Happy about that: Very much so
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 8.5 - 9
Height: 5’7”
What are you wearing right now?: Pink Alaska shirt, blue plaid flannel pajama pants, white socks
Best place to go for a date: Date? ______________________________________________
Kind of pants: Flannel pj pants
Number: 7 I would say
Animal: Dog
Drink (non alcoholic): Frappuccino from Starbucks, Freddo from Peets
Sport: Bowling
Month: May
Juice: Cranberry
Have You Ever...
Bungee Jumped?: That would be a NO
Made yourself throw-up?: No
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Eaten a hot dog?: Yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: of course
Played truth or dare?: Yes
Been on a plane?: Yes
Came close to dying?: When I almost got run over by a drunk cowboy when Saddle Rack was in San Jose
Been in a sauna?: Yes
Been in a hot tub?: Yes
Swam in the ocean? I learned to swim in the ocean
Fell asleep in school?: Yeah
Ran away?: No - never had a reason to
Broken someone's heart?: Yes
Cried when someone died?: Absolutely
Cried in school?: Yes
Fell off your chair?: Yes
What is...
Your good luck charm? Don't think I have a lucky charm
New favorite song?: Call me when you're sober - Evanescence
What is besides you?: The remotes, bottle of water, Bailey's empty bottle
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Redken All Soft Shampoo & Conditioner
Ever Had..
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat: Got one right now
Stitches: Yes
Broken nose: No, not yet
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Believe in long distance relationships?: No
Like school?: Yes - life is about learning something new all the time
Who was the last person that called you?: Lisa Dryden
Who makes you smile the most?: My kids and Chris
Who knows you the best? Chris and Kelly
Do you like filling these out?: Yes they are fun
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: No, but I probably should
Do you like yourself?: Most days
Are you kidding?: About what?
Do you get along with your family?: Yes
Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: Yes - only with certain things - I live on 'routine' and 'rituals' - man, do I need therapy?
Suicidal?: Um, no - What kind of question is that??
Final Questions:
Hated someone in your family?: No
Gotten any awards?: Yes, but nothing major
What car/truck do you wish to have?: Toyota Hylander Hybrid
Good driver?: I'd like to think so, my husband might say otherwise. :-P
Good Singer?: Bailey thinks I'm GREAT!
Have a lava lamp?: No
What was your last dream about?: Bailey being sick and crying for me - then I woke up because she's crying in her crib and she's sick
When you last showered: This morning
Scary or Funny Movies? Funny and Suspense flicks
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Skiing or Boarding? Neither
Summer or winter? Summer
Silver or Gold? Silver
Diamond or pearl? Love the Prince song
Sprite or 7up? Neither
Coffee or sweet tea? Coffee
Phone or in person? Person
Are you oldest? Compared to whom?____________________________________________
Today did you...Buy something: Yes, had to go grocery shopping for dinner
Get sick? Got sick over the weekend
Talked to an ex? God no
Miss someone? Yes, my dad, all the time
Last person who....
Slept in your bed? Chris
Saw/heard you cry? Chris
Made you cry? The show SuperNanny - recently single dad with 4 kids who miss their mom dearly
Went to the movies with? Reese and Derek - we saw Cars on opening day
Ever been in a fight with your pet? No
Been to Mexico? No
Been to Europe? No
Favorite sports to watch? None
Piercing/Tattoos? Just my ears pierced, no tattoos
What are you most scared of right now? Chris's recent unhappiness with his job and is considering a major career change
Who do you really hate? No one important enough to mention
Do you have a job? Yes
Have you ever been in a "mosh-pit"? No
Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? Posture and personal style - I don't know why. Bad posture tells you a lot about a person, and also their style.
Your Favorite Food? Anything Chris makes for me
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the night before? No - do I sound like a party pooper with this question or what?
Hair color? Dark brown
Aim? No
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Buttered and salted
Dogs or cats? Dog
Favorite Flower? Gerbera Daisies
How many pillows do you sleep with? 1
Holy long survey!
Single or Taken: Taken
Happy about that: Very much so
Eye color: Brown
Shoe size: 8.5 - 9
Height: 5’7”
What are you wearing right now?: Pink Alaska shirt, blue plaid flannel pajama pants, white socks
Best place to go for a date: Date? ______________________________________________
Kind of pants: Flannel pj pants
Number: 7 I would say
Animal: Dog
Drink (non alcoholic): Frappuccino from Starbucks, Freddo from Peets
Sport: Bowling
Month: May
Juice: Cranberry
Have You Ever...
Bungee Jumped?: That would be a NO
Made yourself throw-up?: No
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Eaten a hot dog?: Yes
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: of course
Played truth or dare?: Yes
Been on a plane?: Yes
Came close to dying?: When I almost got run over by a drunk cowboy when Saddle Rack was in San Jose
Been in a sauna?: Yes
Been in a hot tub?: Yes
Swam in the ocean? I learned to swim in the ocean
Fell asleep in school?: Yeah
Ran away?: No - never had a reason to
Broken someone's heart?: Yes
Cried when someone died?: Absolutely
Cried in school?: Yes
Fell off your chair?: Yes
What is...
Your good luck charm? Don't think I have a lucky charm
New favorite song?: Call me when you're sober - Evanescence
What is besides you?: The remotes, bottle of water, Bailey's empty bottle
What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Redken All Soft Shampoo & Conditioner
Ever Had..
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat: Got one right now
Stitches: Yes
Broken nose: No, not yet
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Believe in long distance relationships?: No
Like school?: Yes - life is about learning something new all the time
Who was the last person that called you?: Lisa Dryden
Who makes you smile the most?: My kids and Chris
Who knows you the best? Chris and Kelly
Do you like filling these out?: Yes they are fun
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: No, but I probably should
Do you like yourself?: Most days
Are you kidding?: About what?
Do you get along with your family?: Yes
Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: Yes - only with certain things - I live on 'routine' and 'rituals' - man, do I need therapy?
Suicidal?: Um, no - What kind of question is that??
Final Questions:
Hated someone in your family?: No
Gotten any awards?: Yes, but nothing major
What car/truck do you wish to have?: Toyota Hylander Hybrid
Good driver?: I'd like to think so, my husband might say otherwise. :-P
Good Singer?: Bailey thinks I'm GREAT!
Have a lava lamp?: No
What was your last dream about?: Bailey being sick and crying for me - then I woke up because she's crying in her crib and she's sick
When you last showered: This morning
Scary or Funny Movies? Funny and Suspense flicks
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper? Dr. Pepper
Skiing or Boarding? Neither
Summer or winter? Summer
Silver or Gold? Silver
Diamond or pearl? Love the Prince song
Sprite or 7up? Neither
Coffee or sweet tea? Coffee
Phone or in person? Person
Are you oldest? Compared to whom?____________________________________________
Today did you...Buy something: Yes, had to go grocery shopping for dinner
Get sick? Got sick over the weekend
Talked to an ex? God no
Miss someone? Yes, my dad, all the time
Last person who....
Slept in your bed? Chris
Saw/heard you cry? Chris
Made you cry? The show SuperNanny - recently single dad with 4 kids who miss their mom dearly
Went to the movies with? Reese and Derek - we saw Cars on opening day
Ever been in a fight with your pet? No
Been to Mexico? No
Been to Europe? No
Favorite sports to watch? None
Piercing/Tattoos? Just my ears pierced, no tattoos
What are you most scared of right now? Chris's recent unhappiness with his job and is considering a major career change
Who do you really hate? No one important enough to mention
Do you have a job? Yes
Have you ever been in a "mosh-pit"? No
Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex (visual)? Posture and personal style - I don't know why. Bad posture tells you a lot about a person, and also their style.
Your Favorite Food? Anything Chris makes for me
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the night before? No - do I sound like a party pooper with this question or what?
Hair color? Dark brown
Aim? No
Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? Buttered and salted
Dogs or cats? Dog
Favorite Flower? Gerbera Daisies
How many pillows do you sleep with? 1
Holy long survey!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Random Thoughts
I have come to the realization that I'm not really good at updating this thing. I can't really do it at work anymore. My responsibilities there quadrupled since I came back from maternity leave. There are way too many distractions that I can't keep coming back and forth from working to blogging constantly. That and I can't exactly say... "don't bother me, I'm blogging on the clock"
So many things to write about.... some highlights:
Wink wink.
So many things to write about.... some highlights:
- A friend whose husband left her a month ago has pushed his way back into her life, her home, her heart. She was ready, with divorce papers in one hand and a pen in the other.
- I experienced a first grade classroom first hand on Monday. Man, I was exhausted by the time I left the class.
- Renegades.
- Bailey and Reese.
- Reality TV shows update.
Wink wink.
Friday, February 02, 2007
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