Tonight I sit and watch Survivor and bead a few strings of green beads for the bridesmaids flowers. Reese is sitting next to me doing his best at helping me bead a small string for himself. I gave him a short one to start and he seems very interested and will not give up. I love this guy. He keeps telling me that he can't wait to show dad when he gets home.
It seems that all he wants in his life is for us to be proud of him.
Today his teacher tells me that he'd rather sit and do nothing than do his school work. She also said that he's not ready for extended day kindergarten. What the heck. He has been going to school full time for a year and a half. This is ridiculous. He is being so stubborn that his teacher thinks he's not ready for school. We lectured him so that he understands that he has to do school work and homework not one or the other. I think he feels badly enough now that he won't just sit out in class anymore.
My new pet peeve.....
People who don't RSVP.
What is that??? When you are invited to something. You tell the host whether you can make it or not. You have a choice. Especially something as important as someone's wedding. There is a damn postcard included in the invitation already stamped. All you have to do is fill in whether you're coming and your name. And bam!!!! You are done! Then you go drop it in the mail box somewhere. If you're not coming, great. If you are, well duh! We kinda need to know that there should be food and a seat for you at the ceremony and reception.
Why do people not think about that? Is it so freakin' hard to reply?
There is a due date on the invitation. October 1. It is now 6 days past and I still have people who have not replied. The invitations went out September 1.
I don't get it.
I am frustreated.
Meanwhile..... I've got a couple of projects going on on the coffee table here. Not to mention a crazy girl from Oakland is wanting me to write out all her invitations and envelopes. Insane. But cool. I would love to do that. But it will take a long long time to complete. Gotta build up some stamina between now and then. I will meet with her after our wedding when I have more time.
Time to give little man his bath.